Working for Smart Growth:
More Livable Places and Open Spaces


Posts Tagged ‘New Jersey’

Fare Hikes and Service Cuts Announced for NJ Transit

Friday, March 5th, 2010

Source: NJTransit“New Jersey Future understands the gravity of the state’s current budget crisis, and we recognize that hard choices are necessary to address the situation. We believe, however, that placing this burden solely on transit riders, and not on the transportation system as a whole, sends the wrong message about New Jersey’s […]

Poll Shows New Jersey Residents Concerned About Transportation Funding

Monday, March 1st, 2010

A new Monmouth University poll commissioned by New Jersey Future and the Tri-State Transportation Campaign  finds that 95 percent of New Jersey residents think it is important that we pay to maintain and improve our transportation system.
Yet almost half of the state’s residents don’t know that the Transportation Trust Fund is going broke. The […]

Market Forces Portend Shift From Sprawl to Redevelopment

Thursday, February 18th, 2010

The percent of New Jersey households containing children under age 18 has been falling steadily, to the point that two-thirds of New Jersey households are now child-free.

Stimulus Investment in Transit Creates Twice as Many Jobs as Roads

Wednesday, February 17th, 2010

This according to the U.S. Public Interest Research Group (PIRG), which analyzed data from the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee on state spending of federal stimulus dollars in 2009. The analysis found that “every billion dollars spent on public transportation produced 19,299 job-months, compared to 10,493 job-months for every billion spent on highway infrastructure.” This analysis […]

Budget Ax Falls on Transit, Spares Roads

Tuesday, February 16th, 2010

Newark Penn Station. Source: John O'Boyle/The Star-Ledger
In his address to the Legislature last Thursday, Governor Chris Christie proposed a number of cost-cutting measures designed to balance the state budget. Among those cuts was a $32 million reduction in the state’s payment to NJ TRANSIT. “The state cannot continue to subsidize New Jersey Transit to the […]

Governor’s Housing Opportunity Task Force to Assess State Planning Act

Thursday, February 11th, 2010

Governor Christie signing Executive Order 12 (Governor Photos/Tim Larsen)
Earlier this week Governor Christie issued Executive Order No. 12 , which creates a “Housing Opportunity Task Force” to recommend how the state should address a variety of questions related to providing affordable housing.
The task force is charged with reviewing not only the Fair Housing Act and COAH […]

With Release of Impact Assessment, State Plan Poised for Revision, Re-adoption

Friday, January 29th, 2010

The State Planning Act requires the State Planning Commission to revise and re-adopt the State Development and Redevelopment Plan every three years.

2010 Redevelopment Forum Sponsorships

Thursday, January 28th, 2010

[youtube=]There are several great sponsorship opportunities left for the 2010 Redevelopment Forum next month. Registrations have been flowing in and we are in the process of finalizing our program book. If you would like to be included, please let us know your commitment by the close of business this Friday, January 29.

Challenges Abound, Opportunity Knocks as Christie Prepares to Take Office

Thursday, January 14th, 2010

Charting New Jersey on a path toward sustained economic growth will require many things, not the least of which is a resurrected state planning process.

Smart Growth in Transition – Part V: Property Taxes

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2009

New Jersey is heavily reliant on property taxes to pay for local services while New Jersey households pay the highest property taxes in the country.

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