Working for Smart Growth:
More Livable Places and Open Spaces


Posts Tagged ‘flooding’

NJ Residents can Improve Flood Management, one Rain Garden at a Time

Monday, November 1st, 2021

Flooding is a critical issue at all scales. Water engineers tell us that individual community members can work together to solve this problem by building rain gardens. Rain gardens, a type of green infrastructure, are designed to soak up water during storms. On properties with rain gardens, this means less pooled water and more groundwater recharge. The more properties adopt this practice, the more pressure is relieved from the area’s municipal separate storm sewer system or combined sewer system, helping to reduce the extent of flooding downstream.

Stormwater Utilities—Peeling Back the Onion

Monday, November 9th, 2020

How much do municipalities and counties currently spend on stormwater infrastructure, and how receptive are they to this new concept? A new New Jersey Department of Community Affairs survey aims to find out.

Greening the Garden State: These Three Towns Show You How! 

Tuesday, September 15th, 2020

Green streets aren’t just for big cities like Philadelphia. They can help smaller cities like Camden and Hoboken and towns like Highland Park to meet flooding and stormwater challenges while providing community benefits.

New Jersey Future Launches the New Jersey Stormwater Utilities Resource Center

Friday, September 4th, 2020

The New Jersey Stormwater Utilities Resource Center  is a one-stop-shop, housing technical legal and financial information, case studies, and helpful guidance on stormwater solutions, community process, and public engagement.

Resilience planning in Medford

Tuesday, January 7th, 2020

As part of New Jersey Future’s Community Rating System (CRS) planning assistance program, Medford, NJ met with NJF’s planning team on Dec. 19 to begin the process of becoming a CRS community.

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