News Releases
- New Jersey Future Urges Action Following Governor Murphy’s Budget Address
TRENTON, February 25, 2025—Governor Phil Murphy’s final budget address outlined key financial priorities for the coming fiscal year. While New Jersey Future applauds investments in transit, we urge further action to ensure long-term sustainability and equity.
- New Jersey Future's Response to Governor Murphy’s State of the State Address
TRENTON, January 14, 2025—Peter Kasabach, executive director, New Jersey Future comments: As Governor Phil Murphy delivered his final State of the State address, New Jersey Future applauded the progress our state has made under his leadership over the past seven years.
- New Jersey Future Welcomes Release of Preliminary State Plan
TRENTON, December 5, 2024—On Wednesday, December 4, 2024, Governor Phil Murphy and the State Planning Commission unveiled the long-anticipated preliminary update to the New Jersey State Development and Redevelopment Plan (State Plan).
- Statement on DCA release of estimated municipal obligations for affordable housing
TRENTON, October 18, 2024—“Today, the starting pistol for good planning went off with a bang,” said Peter Kasabach, executive director of New Jersey Future.
- Statement on EPA's National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for Lead and Copper: Improvements
TRENTON, October 9, 2024—New Jersey Future (NJF) is pleased that the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) incorporated many of the best practices from New Jersey’s landmark 2021 Lead Service Line Replacement Law into its Lead and Copper Rule Improvements, including the requirement that all lead service lines (LSLs) be replaced within ten years.
- New Jersey Future Announces Honorees for 2024 Smart Growth Awards
TRENTON, October 3, 2024—New Jersey Future (NJF) is proud to announce this year’s award winning projects and leadership honoree as part of their 22nd annual Smart Growth Awards.
- $5m for Capital Park Construction in NJ State Budget FY2025 Celebrated by Advocates
TRENTON, June 28, 2024—The State Legislature has introduced the budget for the upcoming fiscal year, with $5 million in funding for the construction of Capital Park. This comes one year after a group of nonprofits (New Jersey Future, NJ Conservation Foundation, NJ League of Conservation Voters, and Isles, Inc.) gathered 800 petition signatures, and the Legislature and Governor funded $3 million for the planning and design of Capital Park.
- New Jersey Future Statement on NJ's Fiscal Year 2025 Budget
TRENTON, June 28, 2024—The State Legislature has now introduced the budget for the upcoming fiscal year. Overall, New Jersey Future views the budget for FY2025 as holding steady on our commitments to investing in infrastructure, affordable housing, and more to keep New Jersey on track to foster an inclusive state with economic opportunities for all.
- Gubernatorial candidates to discuss housing issues at NJ Planning and Redevelopment Conference on June 7, 2024
TRENTON, June 5, 2024—NJ Votes 2025: Gubernatorial Candidates Roundtable will feature four declared candidates for governor ahead of the 2025 electoral contest.
- New Jersey Future and APA New Jersey to Host Gubernatorial Candidates at 2024 NJ Planning and Redevelopment Conference
TRENTON, May 30, 2024—New Jersey Future and the NJ Chapter of the American Planning Association’s 2024 NJ Planning and Redevelopment Conference, June 5-7, is a three-day hybrid conference—virtual June 5 and 6, in-person June 7 at the Hyatt Regency New Brunswick.
- Policy experts at New Jersey Future comment on housing, public transportation, and water infrastructure following Governor Murphy’s Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Address.
TRENTON, February 27, 2024—Peter Kasabach, Executive Director, New Jersey Future comments: It is clear to see how proud the Governor is that New Jersey was selected to host the FIFA World Cup Final in 2026.
- New Jersey Future Executive Director Peter Kasabach released the following statement on Governor Murphy’s State of the State address
TRENTON, January 9, 2024—There was an irony in today’s speech from the governor. One moment, he declared a state of emergency due to yet another extreme weather event that is anticipated to cause widespread havoc, flooding, and damage across the state.
- On cusp of Mount Laurel “Round Four” obligations, Legislature takes action to clarify affordable housing obligation process
TRENTON, December 18, 2023—“New Jersey Future applauds the Legislature for seeking to provide predictability and reducing conflict around the generation and assignment of municipal affordable housing obligations.
- Nation follows New Jersey's example on lead remediation
TRENTON, December 1, 2023—Peter Kasabach, Executive Director at New Jersey Future states: Lead service lines that provide drinking water to homes account for 75% of lead drinking water exposure and are a significant cause of lead poisoning for children across the country, including in New Jersey.
- New authoritative guide released to assist municipalities in conducting climate vulnerability assessments
TRENTON, October 30, 2023—New Jersey Future and Sustainable Jersey are proud to announce the release of a brand new, first of its kind climate vulnerability assessment practitioner’s guide.
- New Jersey Future Announces its Ten Honorees for 2023 Smart Growth Awards
TRENTON, August 3, 2023—New Jersey Future (NJF) has announced this year’s award winning projects and leadership honorees as part of their 21st annual Smart Growth Awards. The awards ceremony will be held on October 3, 2023 at the New Brunswick Performing Arts Center.
- New Jersey Future Statement on Recent Severe Flooding Throughout the Northeast
TRENTON, July 13, 2023—Lindsey Sigmund, PP, AICP, Program Manager at New Jersey Future states: Recent flooding throughout the region should remind all of us about the severity of flood risk in New Jersey.
- New Jersey Future Statement on Divided By Design Report
TRENTON, July 12, 2023—Smart Growth America has released a new report, Divided by Design, with dramatic implications for communities throughout the country divided by highways and public infrastructure, and in particular for these places in NJ, the densest state in the nation.
- New Jersey Future Statement on NJ’s Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Address
TRENTON, June 30, 2023—New Jersey Future Executive Director Peter Kasabach released the following statement on NJ’s Fiscal Year 2024 Budget.
- Landmark Flood Disclosure Bill Now Law
TRENTON, June 30, 2023—Today Bill S3110/A4783 became law, requiring home sellers and landlords to disclose past flood damages to potential buyers and renters.
- Capital Park takes leap forward toward realization with $3m appropriation
TRENTON, June 30, 2023— A part of New Jersey’s Fiscal Year 2024 State Budget, $3 million has been allocated to realize an urban park in the shadow of the State House Building.
- New Jersey Future and APA New Jersey Host the 2023 New Jersey Planning and Redevelopment Conference
TRENTON, June 15, 2023—New Jersey Future and the NJ Chapter of the American Planning Association’s 2023 Planning and Redevelopment Conference, June 21–23, is a three-day hybrid conference—virtual June 21 and 22, in-person June 23.
- New Jersey Future Statement on Fair Share Housing Center's 2023 Report
TRENTON, April 26, 2023—New Jersey is one of the most racially and economically segregated states in the country, and one of the most expensive, due in part to exclusionary local zoning.
- UPDATED: Campaign for Funding Capital Park Renovation to Host Public Walkthrough Event Today, April 24, 2023
TRENTON, April 24, 2023—What: A collaboration of three New Jersey nonprofits—New Jersey Future, New Jersey Conservation Foundation, and the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters—have launched a public campaign calling for the renovation of Capital Park to be funded as the multi-year renovation of the State House reaches completion.
- Campaign for Funding Capital Park Renovation to Host Public Walkthrough Event on Monday, April 24, 2023
TRENTON, April 21, 2023—What: A collaboration of three New Jersey nonprofits—New Jersey Future, New Jersey Conservation Foundation, and the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters—have launched a public campaign calling for the renovation of Capital Park to be funded as the multi-year renovation of the State House reaches completion.
- New Jersey Future Statement on Governor Murphy's Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Address
TRENTON, February 28, 2023—Pete Kasabach, Executive Director of New Jersey Future commented on Governor Murphy's budget address: The Governor’s budget address made it clear that New Jersey is a collection of great places, and it is his intent to invest in these places even more.
- New Jersey Future applauds passage of Flood Disclosure Bill, encourages Governor Murphy to sign into law
TRENTON, February 27, 2023—Pete Kasabach, Executive Director of New Jersey Future commented on the passage of S3110/A4783: "As we prepare for tomorrow’s budget address from Governor Murphy, we are pleased to see the passage of S3110/A4783 in our state legislature today.
- New Jersey Future Executive Director Peter Kasabach released the following statement on Governor Murphy’s State of the State address
TRENTON, January 10, 2023—Governor Murphy’s call for us to build the “next” New Jersey together is an inspiring call to action. We commend the governor for his commitment to ensuring our state is not only a model for others, but a leader in the nation.
- New Jersey Future to honor six projects from across the state in 20th Annual Smart Growth Awards
TRENTON, October 12, 2022 — New Jersey Future (NJF) has announced this year’s award winning projects and leadership honorees as part of their 20th annual Smart Growth Awards. The awards ceremony will be screened on November 10, 2022 for virtual audiences.
- New Jersey Future Statement on Passing of Former Governor Jim Florio
TRENTON, September 26, 2022 — Yesterday we lost an important champion and friend. New Jersey Future and our great state of New Jersey owe a sincere debt of gratitude to the courage and leadership of the late former Governor Jim Florio.
- New Jersey Future Implores State and Municipalities to Make it Safer and Easier to Choose Alternatives to Driving
TRENTON, July 12, 2022 — Smart Growth America has released its Dangerous By Design Report for 2022, which paints a stark picture of our lack of progress on street safety nationwide as well as here in New Jersey. The pandemic has taught us that even with less car travel overall, fatalities are increasing, revealing the need to focus on the development of safe streets in our broader efforts to help people drive less.
- New Jersey Future Celebrates $300 Million Budget Investment in Water Infrastructure
TRENTON, June 30, 2022 — Water is an essential resource to all New Jerseyans, and access to clean water is a crucial ingredient in building healthy communities across the state. With the release of the New Jersey State Budget Fiscal Year 2023, elected officials have allocated $300 million to water infrastructure and taken a big step forward.
- New Jersey Future and APA New Jersey Host the 2022 New Jersey Planning and Redevelopment Conference
TRENTON, June 10, 2022 — New Jersey Future and the NJ Chapter of the American Planning Association’s 2022 Planning and Redevelopment Conference, June 14–16, is a three-day hybrid conference—virtual June 14 and 15, in-person June 16.
- New Jersey Future Statement on Governor Murphy’s Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Address
TRENTON, March 8, 2022 — New Jersey Future Executive Director Peter Kasabach and Managing Director of Policy and Water Chris Sturm released the following statements on Governor Murphy’s Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Address.
- New Jersey Future celebrates Newark’s removal of more than 23,000 lead pipes
TRENTON, February 11, 2022— Alongside national and local leaders, New Jersey Future applauds the city’s lead service line replacement program but calls for additional state funding for water infrastructure.
- New Jersey Future Statement on Governor Murphy’s 2022 State of the State Address
TRENTON, January 11, 2022- New Jersey Future Executive Director Peter Kasabach and Managing Director of Policy and Water Chris Sturm released the following statements on Governor Murphy’s State of the State address.
- New Jersey Future Statement on Enactment of Law Amending the Water Quality Accountability Act
TRENTON, November 9, 2021- New Jersey Future Managing Director of Policy and Water Chris Sturm released the following statement of the enactment of a law amending the Water Quality Accountability Act.
- New Jersey Future Statement on Infrastructure Bill Passage
TRENTON, November 8, 2021- New Jersey Future Managing Director of Policy and Water Chris Sturm released the following statement on the passage of the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
- New Municipal Population Data from 2020 Census Show Where New Jerseyans Want to Live
Trenton, August 12, 2021- Today’s release of municipal population data from the 2020 Census illustrates that the demographic story of the 2010s in New Jersey was the return of population growth to the state’s walkable, mixed-use centers—its cities, towns, and older suburbs with traditional downtowns.
- New Jersey Future Statement on Enactment of Laws to Address Lead Crisis
Trenton, July 22, 2021—New Jersey Future Managing Director of Policy and Water Chris Sturm released the following statement on Governor Murphy’s enactment of three laws to put New Jersey at the national forefront of childhood lead poisoning prevention.
- New Jersey Future Statement on Passage of Landmark Bills to Keep Children Free from Lead Poisoning
Trenton, June 24, 2021— New Jersey Future Managing Director of Policy and Water Chris Sturm released the following statement on the passage of legislation that calls for removing sources of lead in the environment and ensuring owners and residents are aware of the presence of lead before they move into a new home.
- New Jersey Future Statement on Passage of Critical Drinking Water Bills
Trenton, June 22, 2021— New Jersey Future Managing Director of Policy and Water Chris Sturm released the following statement on the Legislature’s passage of legislation to amend the Water Quality Accountability Act (S647) and legislation to require the replacement of lead service lines (S3398).
- New Jersey Future Statement on Senate Budget Committee Advancement of S3398 to Require Lead Pipe Replacement
Trenton, June 17, 2021—New Jersey Future Managing Director of Policy and Water Chris Sturm released the following statement on the Senate Budget Committee’s advancement of S3398, which would require water systems to inventory and replace lead service lines.
- New Jersey Future and APA New Jersey Host the 2021 Planning and Redevelopment Conference
Trenton, June 8, 2021—New Jersey Future and the NJ Chapter of the American Planning Association’s 2021 Planning and Redevelopment Conference, June 10 and 11, is a two-day virtual conference focused on all aspects of redevelopment and planning in New Jersey.
- New Jersey Future Statement on Water Quality Accountability Act Amendments Passed by Assembly
Trenton, May 20, 2021—New Jersey Future Managing Director of Policy and Water Chris Sturm released the following statement on the Assembly's passage of legislation to amend the Water Quality Accountability Act, teeing it up for final passage by the Senate.
- New Jersey Future Statement on S3688 to Curb Warehouse Sprawl
Trenton, May 20, 2021—New Jersey Future Executive Director Peter Kasabach released the following statement on S3688, which would provide for regional economic impact and land use reports and review by affected municipalities for certain proposed retail warehouse developments, which was released from the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee on Thursday.
- New Jersey Future Statement on the Release of the Climate Change Resilience Strategy
Trenton, April 22, 2021—New Jersey Future Executive Director Peter Kasabach released the following statement on the release of Governor Murphy and the Department of Environmental Protection’s Climate Change Resilience Strategy.
- New Data From the New Jersey Department of Health Show Work Is Needed to Protect Children From Lead Exposure
Trenton, March 31, 2021—The coronavirus pandemic has kept New Jersey’s children at home since March 2020, creating more time for potential contact with the neurotoxin lead. New Jersey’s children are being tested for lead exposure at a lower rate than in 2019, but the percentage of children with elevated blood lead levels has increased by 29% since that year, according to data released by the New Jersey Department of Health.
- New Stormwater Rules Require New Developments to Include Green Infrastructure
Trenton, March 2, 2021—New public and private sector developments in New Jersey must now include the use of green infrastructure as a stormwater management technique starting today as a result of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s (NJDEP) newly amended Stormwater Management Rules (NJAC 7:8).
- New Jersey Future Statement on Governor Murphy's FY2022 Budget Address
TRENTON, February 23, 2021 —New Jersey Future Executive Director Peter Kasabach released the following statement in response to Governor Murphy’s FY2022 Budget Address.
- New Jersey Future statement on the creation of the Office of Climate Action and the Green Economy
TRENTON, February 16, 2021 —New Jersey Future Executive Director Peter Kasabach released the following statement on the creation of the Office of Climate Action and the Green Economy.
- New Jersey Future statement on the enactment of key resilience planning law
TRENTON, February 4, 2021 —New Jersey Future Executive Director Peter Kasabach released the following statement on the enactment of S2607.
- New Jersey Future statement on Governor Murphy's State of the State Address
TRENTON, January 12, 2021 —New Jersey Future Executive Director Peter Kasabach released the following statements on Governor Murphy’s State of the State Address.
- New Jersey Future statement on the New Jersey Economic Recovery Act of 2020
TRENTON, December 21, 2020 —New Jersey Future Executive Director Peter Kasabach released the following statement on the New Jersey Economic Recovery Act of 2020.
- New Jersey Future Announces Winners of 2020 Smart Growth Awards and Cary Edwards Leadership Award
TRENTON, October 21, 2020 — New Jersey Future today announced the six winners of the 2020 Smart Growth Awards and the winner of the Cary Edwards Leadership Award. The Smart Growth Awards honor smart planning and development that promote economic opportunity, environmental health, community vitality, and equity in New Jersey.
- New Jersey Future statement on Historic Environmental Justice Legislation
TRENTON, September 18, 2020 — New Jersey Future Executive Director Peter Kasabach released the following statement on the enactment of S232, which would protect overburdened communities from pollutants.
- New Jersey Future statement on the expansion of small business COVID-19 loans
TRENTON, May 22, 2020 — New Jersey Future Executive Director Peter Kasabach released the following statement on the New Jersey Economic Development Authority's small businesses COVID-19 grant program expansion.
- New Jersey Future Welcomes Four New Trustees
TRENTON, May 6, 2020 -- New Jersey Future’s Board of Trustees welcomed four new members.
- New Jersey Future Statement on the RGGI Strategic Funding Plan
TRENTON, April 17, 2020 -- New Jersey Future Executive Director Peter Kasabach released the following statement on the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Strategic Funding Plan.
- New Jersey Future Statement on Governor Murphy's Budget Address
TRENTON, February 25, 2020 -- New Jersey Future Executive Director Peter Kasabach released the following statement on Governor Murphy’s FY 2021 Budget Address.
- New Jersey Future Statement on State Planning Commission Members
TRENTON, February 5, 2020 -- New Jersey Future Executive Director Peter Kasabach released the following statement on the new State Planning Commission members.
- New Jersey Future Statement on NJ PACT and the Energy Master Plan
TRENTON, January 27, 2020 -- New Jersey Future Executive Director Peter Kasabach released the following statement on the NJ PACT rules and Energy Master Plan.
- New Jersey Future Statement on Governor Murphy's 2020 State of the State Address
TRENTON, January 14, 2020 -- New Jersey Future Executive Director Peter Kasabach released the following statement on Governor Murphy’s 2020 State of the State Address.
- New Jersey Future Statement on Harmful Algae Blooms
TRENTON, Nov. 18, 2019 -- New Jersey Future Managing Director of Policy and Water Chris Sturm released the following statement on new funding to address harmful algal blooms.
- New Jersey Future Statement on Executive Order 89
TRENTON, October 29, 2019 -- New Jersey Future Executive Director Peter Kasabach released the following statement on Governor Murphy’s Executive Order 89, establishing a Statewide Climate Change Resilience Strategy and to create the Climate and Flood Resilience Program and an Interagency Council on Climate Resilience.
- New Jersey Future Releases Map of Lead Service Lines in New Jersey
TRENTON, October 3, 2019 -- Lead service lines, the primary source of lead in drinking water, have been reported in 104 water systems as of August 2019, potentially exposing some portion of over 5 million residents who live in these service areas.
- Statement on Lead in Newark's Water
TRENTON, August 26, 2019 -- New Jersey Future released the following statement on the Essex County bond program to replace all lead service lines in Newark.
- Statement on Draft Energy Master Plan
TRENTON, June 10, 2019 -- New Jersey Executive Director Peter Kasabach released the following statement regarding the release of the draft Energy Master Plan.
- Governor Murphy’s FY20 NJ Transit Operating Budget Proposal Shortchanges NJ Transit
TRENTON, May 9, 2019 --A diverse group of transportation, environment and equity advocates gathered at the State House to voice their concerns regarding the continued underfunding of NJ Transit.
- Wendy Neu To Receive New Jersey Future's Cary Edwards Leadership Award
TRENTON, April 9, 2019 --New Jersey Future today announced that Wendy Kelman Neu, the chairwoman and chief executive officer of the Hugo Neu Corporation, will be honored with the organization's 2019 W. Cary Edwards Leadership Award.
- Statement on Assemblyman Peters's Call for Local Anti-Stormwater Utilities Resolutions
TRENTON, April 4, 2019 -- New Jersey Future's statement opposing Asm. Peters' call for local resolutions against establishment of stormwater utilities.
- New Jersey Future Announces Winners of 2019 Smart Growth Awards
TRENTON, March 26, 2019 -- New Jersey Future today announced the seven project winners of its 2019 Smart Growth Awards. The winners include four adaptive-reuse projects, a new youth center, a multi-municipal walking and cycling trail, and a master plan update that focuses on accommodating future growth and sustainability.
- Statement on Enactment of Stormwater Utilities Law
TRENTON, March 18, 2019 -- New Jersey Future Managing Director of Policy and Water Chris Sturm's statement on enactment of the stormwater utilities law.
- Statement on Governor Murphy's 2019 Budget Address
TRENTON, March 5, 2019 -- New Jersey Future Executive Director Peter Kasabach's statement in response to Governor Murphy's 2019 budget address.
- Statement on Passage of A2694/S1073, the Clean Stormwater, Flood Reduction Act
TRENTON, Jan. 31, 2019 -- New Jersey Future statement on the passage of A2694/S1073, the Clean Stormwater, Flood Reduction Act.
- Statement on Release of Stormwater Utility Bill from Assembly Appropriations Committee
TRENTON, Jan. 28, 2019 -- New Jersey Future's statement on the release of the Flood Defense Act from the Assembly Appropriations Committee.
- New Jersey Becoming Less Dangerous for Pedestrians, but Still Work To Do
TRENTON, Jan. 23, 2019 -- Smart Growth America today released its 2019 Dangerous By Design report, and overall, the news is good for New Jersey. Measures of pedestrian safety have improved, but the state is still near the top in terms of the pedestrian fatality rate.
- Statement on Governor Murphy’s State of the State Address
TRENTON, Jan. 15, 2019 -- New Jersey Future released the following statements on Governor Murphy’s State of the State Address.
- New Jersey Future’s David Kutner To Receive Statewide Planning Award
TRENTON, Jan. 14, 2019 -- New Jersey Future Planning Manager David Kutner, who directed the organization's post-Hurricane Sandy recovery planning work, will receive APA NJ's award for outstanding professional planning.
- New Jersey Future Welcomes Three New Trustees
TRENTON, Jan. 10, 2019 -- At its recent annual meeting, New Jersey Future’s Board of Trustees welcomed to the board New Jersey Resources’ Amy Cradic, Newark Alliance’s Aisha Glover, and RWJBarnabas Health’s Jen Velez.
- Getting Sewage Off Our Streets and Out of Our Rivers
TRENTON, Dec. 18, 2018 -- A statewide coalition today unveiled Sewage-Free Streets and Rivers, a coordinated campaign across New Jersey communities with combined sewer systems that overflow raw sewage during heavy rainfalls.
- Opportunity Zone ‘One-Stop Shop’ Will Help Cities and Towns Attract, Maximize Redevelopment Investment
TRENTON, Nov. 14, 2018 -- The state’s recently released Opportunity Zone website is a good example of bringing relevant information into the public realm
- New Toolkit From New Jersey Future Helps Municipal Leaders Fight Pollution and Flooding
TRENTON, Nov. 5, 2018 -- New Jersey Future today released the Green Infrastructure Municipal Toolkit: a one-stop online resource useful to any community in New Jersey.
- Office of Transit-Oriented Development Will Help Meet Growing Demand for Growth Near Train Stations
TRENTON, Nov. 1, 2018 -- New Jersey Future is excited to see Governor Murphy embracing smart, compact growth around transit centers through the signing of this bill.
- New Plan for Trenton Transit Center Neighborhood Offers Roadmap for Revitalization
TRENTON, Oct. 23, 2018 -- New Jersey Future today released the Trenton Transit Center Strategic Action Plan, calling for the transformation of the neighborhood around the transit center into a vibrant and dynamic district.
- Economic Development Strategic Plan Underscores Importance of Smart Growth to State’s Economy
TRENTON, Oct. 1, 2018 -- The new Economic Development Strategic Plan unveiled today by Gov. Murphy is, at its core, a blueprint for how smart growth can drive economic growth.
- Yes, Millennials are fleeing New Jersey. The data (and recent report) say so.
TRENTON, Sept. 12, 2018 -- Contrary to some of the latest headlines, the recently released report commissioned by New Jersey Policy Perspective does in fact show that there is currently a net out-migration of Millennials from New Jersey, corroborating New Jersey Future’s 2017 report. The fact that Millennials are leaving the state is not a myth.
- New Report Highlights Green Infrastructure Financing Opportunities
TRENTON, July 19, 2018 -- New Jersey Future today released an analysis of the New Jersey Water Bank's green infrastructure financing program.
- Statement on Passage of Bill Establishing TOD Office at NJ Transit
TRENTON, June 22, 2018 -- New Jersey Future applauds the June 21 passage of a bill that establishes an office of real estate transit-oriented development within NJ Transit, which will unlock the economic potential of NJ Transit-owned properties near train stations.
- Statement on Senate Passage of Stormwater Utility Bill
TRENTON, June 21, 2018 -- New Jersey Future welcomes the state Senate's passage of a bill that will give local governments an important new tool to address the problems of stormwater flooding and polluted runoff.
- Statement on New State Transportation Infrastructure Bank
TRENTON, June 8, 2018 -- New Jersey Future welcomes the establishment of the state's Transportation Infrastructure Bank, a new source for low-cost financing for local transportation projects.
- Statement on Confirmation of DEP Commissioner McCabe and DOT Commissioner Gutierrez-Scaccetti
TRENTON, June 8, 2018 --New Jersey Future applauds the confirmation of both Catherine McCabe as commissioner of the state Department of Environmental Protection and Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti as commissioner of the Department of Transportation.
- New Jersey Future Celebrates Signing of Urban Enterprise Zone Legislation
TRENTON, May 31, 2018 -- New Jersey Future applauded the sponsorship and passage of S846/A3549, reinstating Urban Enterprise Zones in five cities and requiring a comprehensive review the Urban Enterprise Zone program.
- New Jersey Future Supports A1093
TRENTON, May 17, 2018 -- New Jersey Future supports Assembly bill A1093, which would require the Department of Environmental Protection to update the New Jersey Shore Protection Master Plan.
- New Jersey Future, Association of Environmental Authorities Support S1073
TRENTON, May 10, 2018 -- New Jersey Future supports Senate Bill 1073, which would allow municipalities, counties, and certain utilities to create stormwater utilities.
- Hon. James J. Florio To Receive Leadership Award
TRENTON, April 12, 2018 -- New Jersey Future announced today that James J. Florio, the 49th governor of New Jersey, will be presented with the organization's Cary Edwards Leadership Award as part of its Smart Growth Awards celebration.
- New Jersey Future Praises Governor Murphy's Commitment to Neighborhood, Downtown Revitalization
TRENTON, April 12, 2018 -- New Jersey Future Executive Director Peter Kasabach today applauded Governor Murphy's call to reinstate Main Street New Jersey and the Neighborhood Preservation Program.
- New Jersey Future Praises Quick Selection of Opportunity Zones
TRENTON, April 10, 2018 -- New Jersey Future is pleased to see that the selection and approval, announced April 9, of 169 Census Tracts in the state as designated Opportunity Zones was finalized quickly.
- New Jersey Future Hires Missy Rebovich To Lead Government, Public Affairs
TRENTON, April 4, 2018 -- New Jersey Future is pleased to announce and welcome Missy Rebovich as its director of government and public affairs.
- New Jersey Future Announces 2018 Smart Growth Award Winners
TRENTON, April 3, 2018 -- Adaptive reuse projects, resiliency and circulation initiatives, a vertical farm, a circulation improvement plan and implementation of a smart-growth revitalization plan are honored.
- Survey: New Jersey Residents Name Clean Drinking Water as Top Environmental Priority
TRENTON, March 28, 2018 -- A survey indicates that New Jersey residents believe securing clean, safe drinking water should be the top environmental priority for the new governor and Legislature.
- Census Bureau County Population Estimates Show Return to the Urban Core Continuing
TRENTON, March 26, 2018 -- Exurban counties continue to lose residents, while Hudson County hits a milestone.
- New Jersey Future Praises Gov. Murphy's Budget Priorities
TRENTON, March 13, 2018 -- New Jersey Future released a statement on Gov. Murphy's proposed budget priorities.
- New Jersey Future Praises Gov. Murphy's Choice To Rebuild NJ Transit
TRENTON, Jan. 30, 2018 -- Executive Director Peter Kasabach applauded Governor Murphy's choice of Kevin Corbett to lead NJ Transit as part of the governor's campaign promise to remake the agency.
- New Jersey Future Praises Urban and Regional Growth Transition Report
TRENTON, Jan. 26, 2018 -- Governor Murphy's policy office today released the reports from the gubernatorial transition committees.
- New Jersey Future Praises Governor Murphy for Audit of State's Economic Incentive Programs
TRENTON, Jan. 16, 2018 -- New Jersey Future Executive Director Peter Kasabach praised Gov. Murphy for his executive order calling for an audit of the state's economic incentives.
- New Jersey Future praises Gov. Murphy speech for emphasis on smart, equitable economic growth
TRENTON, Jan. 16, 2018 -- New Jersey Future congratulates Phil Murphy on his inauguration as New Jersey's 56th governor.
- New Jersey Future Praises Legislators for Recommending Significant Investment in State's Water Infrastructure
TRENTON, Jan. 3, 2018 -- New Jersey Future today applauded the Joint Legislative Task Force on Drinking Water Infrastructure for its forthcoming report, which, according to a press statement issued today, will provide a comprehensive set of recommendations for upgrading New Jersey's deteriorating water systems, including how to generate the significant investment needed for the upgrade.
- New Report Outlines Coastal Resilience Strategies
TRENTON, Dec. 13, 2017 -- New Jersey Future today released a report outlining strategies coastal communities can take to respond to the impacts of rising seas and increased flooding.
- Experts Release Proposed Clean Water Agenda for Incoming Governor Murphy's First Year
TRENTON, Nov. 30, 2017 -- Representatives from 34 public-sector, private-sector and nonprofit organizations today together released a proposed Year One Clean Water Agenda for incoming Governor Phil Murphy, encouraging him to make investment in clean water a priority during the first year of his administration.