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New Jersey Funding Navigator

New Jersey Future’s Funding Navigator Program is here to help water systems find their way to meaningful funding to improve water infrastructure in our most impacted communities.

We Find the Funding

The New Jersey Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (SRF) provide
essential financial resources, including principal forgiveness and low-interest loans, to support water infrastructure improvements statewide. These programs help municipalities and water systems fund critical projects such as wastewater treatment, stormwater management, and drinking water initiatives, ultimately improving public health and resilience. However, smaller and resource-limited communities often struggle to access SRF funding due to a complex
application process requiring extensive financial and infrastructure assessments. The high costs of planning and design phases further pose
financial risks, leaving many underserved
communities without the needed funding.

To address these barriers, New Jersey Future launched the Funding Navigator program in 2023, the first statewide nonprofit initiative dedicated to helping underserved communities access water infrastructure funding. The program provides technical assistance, funding guidance, and community outreach support, working alongside partners such as the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank, the Environmental Policy Innovation Center, and the Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center. By identifying underserved communities in need, the program prioritizes those with a limited SRF funding history. Moving forward, the program aims to strengthen its impact by broadening technical assistance and deepening engagement with disadvantaged municipalities to ensure equitable access to water infrastructure funding.

We are Active in 8 of 21 New Jersey Counties Statewide

How Funding Navigator Supports Water Systems

  • Climate Resilience
  • Lead Service Line Replacements
  • Strategic Communications
  • Systems Mapping
  • Water Infrastructure Upgrades
  • Community Education and Engagement
  • Fiscal Analysis


Upcoming Events

The 2021 Infrastructure Report Card awarded New Jersey’s drinking water infrastructure a “C” grade and its wastewater infrastructure a “D” grade. With some of the oldest water infrastructure in the nation, New Jersey’s need to provide adequate services is threatened by age, lack of reinvestment, and a short-term focus. It is paramount that our publicly-owned water systems fully utilize state-available funds to maintain, repair, and improve water infrastructure.

This is the first webinar in New Jersey Future’s Funding Navigator utilizing debt for the long-term series. When used wisely, debt is an investment in the future that can prevent financial burdens. It is a means of financing large capital assets such as crucial infrastructure improvements, development, and the acquisition of large equipment. Debt can be leveraged to create long-term value by ensuring that investments increase over time, ultimately providing greater income and capital growth than the amount spent on servicing the loan. 

Thank you for joining us to learn more about how taking on long-term debt doesn’t have to be a scary thing for municipalities. Embracing the concept of treating debt more as a long-term investment can serve your constituents and ratepayers more effectively to save money in the long run.

Stay tuned for more info on the next two webinars in this series!

Meet the Team

Lee Clark, Program Manager, Funding Navigator

Lee Clark headshotLee manages the New Jersey Future Funding Navigator program, a statewide effort to help under-resourced localities access funding for drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater needs. His primary focuses are engaging with municipal officials and stakeholders and designing solutions for water utilities serving overburdened communities. A municipal elected official and an Adjunct Professor of Communication at Kean University, Lee holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science, concentrating in Political Communication, and a Master’s degree in Business Communication from Rider University. Lee also has a Board Leadership & Governance Certificate from the University of Pennsylvania through the DiverseForce Program. Email Lee  (lclarkatnjfuturedotorg)   or reach by phone at 609-393-0008 ext. 1026.

Benjamin Dziobek, Community Outreach Specialist

Ben Dziobek headshotBen is responsible for developing, coordinating, and implementing community outreach and engagement plans for the Funding Navigator program and Rt 29 Campaign. He also serves as the Executive Director of CRAN and Board Member of Gen Z for New Jersey working to coordinate and uplift youth voices to promote green policies and fundraise and elect Gen-Z. Dziobek formerly served as an Advance and Briefing Aide at the office of Governor Murphy after interning in the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs. Ben has also served as a campaign consultant for numerous campaigns since 2020. He holds a double major in Environmental Studies and Political Science from Stockton University. Email Ben  (bdziobekatnjfuturedotorg)   or reach by phone at 609-393-0008 ext. 1019.

Jessika Sherman, Policy and Program Coordinator

Jessika coordinates the day-to-day functions of the Funding Navigator Program, which aims to help localities access funding for drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater needs. She also provides project support to the Jersey Water Works Asset Management and Finance Committee and Jersey WaterCheck, in addition to supporting water policy research. Jessika was a former research intern for the Brookings Institution and the Wealth Disparity Taskforce in the NJ Office of the Governor. Jessika earned a dual Master’s in Public Policy and City and Regional Planning from the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy and a Bachelor of Environmental Studies from Ramapo College. Email Jessika  (jshermanatnjfuturedotorg)   or reach by phone at 609-393-0008 ext. 1031.



New Jersey Future Blog 

Breaking the Barrier to Water Infrastructure Funding

The New Jersey Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (SRF) are critical financial resources that can provide a variety of funding and financing options, including principal forgiveness and low-interest loans, to support water infrastructure improvements across the state.

Debt is Not a Bad Word: Funding New Jersey’s Infrastructure through Smart Financing

Municipalities face a tricky balancing act when it comes to infrastructure improvements: they need to address large, costly projects but have limited resources to fund them. Historically, issuing debt has been the primary means that municipalities are left with to finance critical improvements. However, municipal leaders are reluctant to be the ones responsible for issuing debt, while utilities and public systems are often hesitant to raise rates to cover project costs.

Breaking Down the State Revolving Fund – Recommendations and Changes

Over the next 20 years, the United States must spend $625 billion to fix, maintain, and improve water infrastructure. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, New Jersey alone will need to spend at least $12,252,800,000 on drinking water infrastructure and $19,352,000,000 on clean water infrastructure over the next 20 years to make all necessary improvements and repairs.

Sustainable Water Management: Program Rundown of Municipal Options

The future of New Jersey’s water relies on commitment to equitable decision-making to solve legacy water infrastructure issues like lead service line replacement, combined sewer overflows, coastal and riverine flooding, and upgrading water infrastructure. By working together to address the growing needs of our water systems, we can properly mitigate the stress they will face with growing and more frequent storms fueled by climate change, and ensure that natural and tap waters are free from contaminants to support healthy and resilient communities across the state.

From Federal Dollars to State Investment: Understanding Technical Assistance for Water Systems

At New Jersey Future’s Planning and Redevelopment Conference in June 2022, New Jersey Commissioner of Environmental Protection, Shawn LaTourette, emphasized the historic funding opportunities for NJ flowing from the federal government and implored attendees, “If you don’t have a grant writer on staff, hire one. If you do have one, hire a second.” LaTourette concluded his remarks by stating his desire for New Jersey to seize the opportunity for federal funding, and to position itself well for any additional rounds of funding.

See all New Jersey Future Blog posts and articles in this category »


© New Jersey Future, 16 W. Lafayette St. • Trenton, NJ 08608 • Phone: 609-393-0008 • Fax: 609-360-8478

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