Floodplain Planning for Resilient Communities
New Jersey Future can help a community to participate in the Community Rating System (CRS), a FEMA-administered program designed to incentivize local activities that reduce flood damage.
Why participate in CRS?
- Discounted flood insurance rates for policyholders
- Enhanced public safety and flood awareness
- Reduced property and infrastructure damage
- Better stormwater control
- Increased recreation opportunities
How does the CRS program work?
Any National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) community is eligible to participate in the CRS. Through this program, your community can earn points toward NFIP insurance premium discounts by completing floodplain management activities that reduce flood impacts.
More information about the CRS program is available on the FEMA website.
Why work with us?
New Jersey Future can help communities by providing administrative guidance and floodplain management expertise to achieve:
- CRS application acceptance
- CRS compliance and recertification
- Improved rating in the CRS
We are an organization whose mission is to foster sensible, sustainable development patterns in New Jersey. Our fees are affordable because our only goal is helping communities improve their floodplain management practices through the CRS program.
To learn more about how New Jersey Future can work with your community to reduce flood risk and flood insurance premiums, email or call Tanya Rohrbach (trohrbachnjfuture
org) , 609-393-0008 x 1005.