Green Infrastructure Resources
Green Infrastructure is an approach to managing stormwater that either enables it to infiltrate to the ground where it falls or captures it for later reuse. There is a wealth of information about green infrastructure, but here are some resources we’d like to highlight to help you understand, fund, and/or implement it.
The Green Infrastructure Municipal Toolkit is an online, one-stop green infrastructure resource designed to help municipal leaders and advocates address the related problems of nuisance flooding and polluted waterways. It includes detailed information and a variety of tools that cities and towns can use to plan, implement, and sustain green infrastructure in public- and private-sector development projects.
The newly updated Developers Green Infrastructure Guide 2.0 breaks down New Jersey’s Stormwater Rule amendments and helps developers and decision-makers understand green infrastructure options (even for challenging sites), advantages, costs, and benefits.
Case Studies | Planning and Design | Operations and Maintenance | Decision-making
Funding | Triple-Bottom Line Benefits | Green Streets | GI in Parks | Videos
General excellent information sources:
- Tools, Strategies and Lessons Learned from EPA Green Infrastructure Technical Assistance Projects Report.
- Water Quality Scorecard: helps local governments identify opportunities to better protect water quality by removing barriers and revising and creating codes, ordinances, and incentives.
- GI Wizard, which provides access to tools and resources that can support and promote water management and community planning decisions.
Rutgers Cooperative Extension Water Resources Program
Georgetown Climate Center Green Infrastructure Toolkit
Harvesting the Value of Water: Stormwater, Green Infrastructure, and Real Estate (Urban land Institute)–This report offers an analysis of the stormwater policy landscape and an introduction to a variety of real estate development projects that have responded to them through case studies.
- City Green: Innovative Green Infrastructure Solutions for Downtowns and Infill Locations–collection of 12 case studies of projects across the country that showcase cities overcoming challenges to implementing green infrastructure.
- American Society of Landscape Architects’ Sustainable Landscapes Case Studies
- Green Infrastructure Toolkit for Property Owners and Municipalities: Green Infrastructure Designs: Scalable Solutions to Local Challenges (Delta Institute)
- 9 Ways to Make Green Infrastructure Work for Towns and Cities (Regional Planning Association)
- Green Infrastructure Design and Implementation (EPA)
- New Jersey Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual
- GI Tools in Philadelphia: An interactive web app that highlights some of the most used stormwater tools designed, constructed and monitored by the Philadelphia Water Department.
- Green and Complete Streets Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities: Camden, NJ
- From Grey to Green: Sustainable Practices for Redeveloping a Vacant Shopping Center
- Green Infrastructure Guidance Manual for New Jersey
- Regular Inspection and Maintenance Guidance for Porous Pavements
- Operation and Maintenance of Green Infrastructure Receiving Runoff from Roads and Parking Lots
- Regular Inspection and Maintenance Guidance for Bioretention Systems / Tree Filters
- Green Stormwater Operations and Maintenance Manual (Seattle)
Decision-making, including Costs and Benefits
- Cost Analysis
- Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Funding Sources and Tools
- Green Values National Stormwater Management Calculator
- The Value of Green Infrastructure: A Guide to Recognizing Its Economic, Environmental and Social Benefits
- The Green Edge: How Commercial Property Investment in Green Infrastructure Creates Value
- The Economic Impact of Green City, Clean Waters: The First Five Years
- Low Impact Development – an economic fact sheet (NC Cooperative Extension – Watershed Education for Communities and Officials
The Impact of Green Stormwater Infrastructure Installation on Surrounding Health and Safety: American Journal of Public Health
- Toronto Green Streets Technical Guidelines: Provides direction for the
planning, design, integration and maintenance of a range of green infrastructure (GI)
options appropriate for Toronto street types and conditions. - Green Streets Guidebook for the City of Holyoke, Massachusetts: This Guidebook
introduces city planners and policy makers to Green Streets, advocates for Green
Streets implementation, and serves as a preliminary set of design guidelines to
transform Holyoke’s streets into more ecologically, socially, and economically positive spaces. - Green Street Construction Guide for the City of Portland: This guide is for permit applicants, contractors and sub-contractors applying for permits to construct green street facilities. Following these recommendations will help ensure that green street facilities operate properly and will not require costly repairs.
- Managing Wet Weather with Green Infrastructure Municipal Handbook Green Streets (EPA): The Municipal Handbook is a series of documents to help local officials implement green infrastructure in their communities.
- Green Streets Resources (River Network)
- Promoting Green Streets (River Network): To address complementary municipal goals of improved water quality and restored natural hydrology, this project focused on the development of a simple and logical methodology to promote street-based stormwater management.
- Green Infrastructure in Parks: A Guide to Collaboration, Funding, Community Engagement (EPA) (pdf)
- City Parks, Clean Water: Making Great Places Using Green Infrastructure (Trust for Public Land)
- Trust for Public Land’s City Parks, Clean Water: Additional Resources on Green Infrastructure: Interested in local opportunities to integrate stormwater management into urban parks? Here are some excellent online resources to learn more about green infrastructure.
- Green Infrastructure Municipal Toolkit Overview: Find the all tools you need to plan, implement and sustain green infrastructure in your community.
- Green Infrastructure Municipal Toolkit Hear From Mayors: Whether your town is starting from scratch or looking to move to the next level with green infrastructure, smart planning is a must. Assess needs and make strategic improvements to planning documents, ordinances, and processes. See how two mayors are charting the path forward.
- Green Infrastructure Municipal Toolkit Newton Rain Garden: Green infrastructure isn’t rocket science, but proper design, construction, and maintenance – all essential to long-term success – require a different approach.
- Green City, Clean Waters: Five Down, Twenty to Go (video): Five year anniversary video celebrating Philadelphia’s Green City, Clean Waters Program
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org) !