Working for Smart Growth:
More Livable Places and Open Spaces


Great Neighborhoods for All

Affordable, Healthy, Connected

Why: Everyone in New Jersey deserves an affordable place to live – in a safe, vibrant community.

  • Where schools, groceries, and jobs are conveniently within reach, with less driving 
  • With peace of mind from knowing rising costs or climate change won’t force a move
  • With parks, plazas, and green spaces easily accessible and free of pollution and extreme heat 
  • Where schools, neighborhoods, and activities are high-quality, safe, and inclusive

Unfortunately, the reality is that New Jersey’s growing housing crisis threatens our state and its residents. Too many people cannot find an affordable, stable home in a neighborhood that meets their needs, and their numbers are growing.

The Great Neighborhoods for All initiative is a diverse group tackling the problem by:


What: Drafting recommendations for four separate but related initiatives:

  • Build a statewide movement of local campaigns that build support for inclusive, well-planned housing in great neighborhoods 
  • Empower local governments to plan and implement new housing with neighborhood amenities 
  • Reduce the accelerating displacement of residents through state and local programs
  • Change state policy through new laws, spending, and programs

When: Seeking solutions that can be adopted quickly, by December 2026

Action from local governments, the Legislature, the Murphy Administration, and the new governor during their first year.


How: Engaging diverse groups of people with varied perspectives

  • This initiative centers the needs of those who struggle to find a safe, affordable place to live.
  • A 12-member Steering Committee guides the effort; it first met in November 2023 and identified guiding principles, solution areas, and messaging approaches.
  • The Steering Committee and a large group of advisors met in February 2024 to share personal priorities, discuss solutions, and provide additional advice on scope and process (see photos below). Small working groups met throughout Summer 2024 to craft solutions.
  • New Jersey Future is the organizing partner. SPIA in NJ at Princeton University School of Public and International Affairs supports the initiative is the hosting partner. Both organizations are represented on the Steering Committee.


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© New Jersey Future, 16 W. Lafayette St. • Trenton, NJ 08608 • Phone: 609-393-0008 • Fax: 609-360-8478

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