Support New Jersey Future
All of us are influenced by the places where we live, grow, work, and learn—places we seek to protect. At New Jersey Future, we believe in optimizing land use to: build strong, healthy, inclusive communities; preserve natural lands and waterways; and generate smart growth for a vibrant economy to serve generations to come. We understand the power of public policy and the need for an organization like ours to ensure positive and inclusive outcomes. If you share our values and a love for the Garden State, please support us with a donation today.
Individual Supporters
Add your voice to the work we do every day in advocating for sensible and equitable growth for more livable places and open spaces in New Jersey. There are many ways to give, and all donations are appreciated.
- Make a one-time annual donation.
- Sign up for recurring monthly gifts.
- Make a donation in someone’s name – Honor an individual who is your New Jersey future (child/grandchild, recent graduate, newlywed, etc.) or a future-thinking trailblazer past or present. We will send them a special acknowledgment on your behalf.
- Gifts are accepted by check (via mail), credit card through our online donation portal, and through your donor-advised fund.
- Consider us in your future by exploring planned giving options. Contact Director of Development Susan O’Connor (soconnor
org) .
- Please check if your employer will match your donation for double the impact (New Jersey Future is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, EIN #222879323).
Organizational Supporters
New Jersey Future is proud of the businesses, municipal and state offices, environmental groups, higher education institutions, and other nonprofit organizations working collaboratively to revitalize New Jersey’s cities and towns, protect the state’s open spaces, provide a broader, more affordable range of housing choices, and expand transportation options. Many organizations deepen their commitment to this work by supporting New Jersey Future with a meaningful donation of $500 and more. Contact Director of Development Susan O’Connor (soconnornjfuture
org) .
Organizational Supporter benefits include:
- Registration discounts and first selection of sponsorship offers for New Jersey Future professional events, including the New Jersey Planning and Redevelopment Conference and Smart Growth Awards.
- Recognition listing on New Jersey Future’s website with a hyperlink to your website.
- Opportunity to display “Proud Supporter of New Jersey Future” badge on your website and social media provided by New Jersey Future.