Guest author Chris Leinberger, who will deliver the luncheon keynote at New Jersey Future’s Redevelopment Forum, examines some successful examples of redevelopment from suburban to walkable urban areas in the Washington, D.C., area, and highlights what New Jersey municipalities must do in order to enjoy similar success.
New Jersey Isn’t Capitalizing on Demand for Walkable Places
Monday, March 5th, 2012House Transportation Bill Falls Short
Thursday, February 9th, 2012Despite all the health benefits of biking, walking or using transit, the House of Representatives’ proposed transportation re-authorization bill falls short on these key transportation needs.
Is Route 1 a Street … or a Road?
Wednesday, January 11th, 2012What’s the difference between a street and a road? Focusing on the different primary purposes of each could help bring clarity to the discussion over how to address the traffic congestion on major arteries like Route 1 in Mercer County, and how best to implement a bus rapid transit system there.
Demand Grows for Smart-Growth Work Environments
Wednesday, January 4th, 2012A new survey shows that office workers in the Garden State want many of the amenities that smart-growth locations offer, including food, access to transit, and access to downtowns.
North Jersey Receives $5 Million Federal Grant To Boost Growth Around Transit
Monday, November 21st, 2011New Jersey Future is pleased to be part of the project team that will manage a $5 million HUD Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant award, announced today by Secretary Shaun Donovan.
Talking About Transportation
Wednesday, November 16th, 2011Greg Kelly, transportation president at Parsons Brinckerhoff, hosted a breakfast for Young Professionals in Transportation – NYC, and spoke at length about his professional experiences, the current state of our infrastructure and the future of large projects.
New Jersey Residents Are Concerned About How the State Has Developed
Tuesday, October 11th, 2011New Jersey residents are unhappy about recent growth patterns, saying they have made the state expensive and difficult to travel. They support coordinated planning to protect natural resources, foster walkable communities and enhance transportation options.
Menendez Focuses on TOD Funding in Updated Livable Communities Act
Thursday, September 29th, 2011Sen. Menendez introduces an updated Livable Communities Act, including funding to spark private investment in transit-oriented development.
Summit Moves Toward Transit Village Designation, Future of Program Remains Uncertain
Wednesday, September 28th, 2011The city of Summit’s planning board voted unanimously in favor of seeking Transit Village status with the NJ Department of Transportation, but the initiative could fall short should the DOT fail to commit to the Transit Village program this year.
We Work Close to Home … But We Drive There
Thursday, September 22nd, 2011The recently released American Community Survey gives us the first look in 10 years at commuting data at the county and local level. New Jersey is still a national leader in transit ridership, thanks primarily to its transit system’s orientation toward the major employment hubs of New York City and Philadelphia. Unfortunately, this leaves most in-state workers with driving as their only option, although Hudson and Essex counties provide examples of what can happen when we think about improving access to our homegrown centers.