The rescheduled American Planning Association-New Jersey Chapter conference offers several opportunities to learn about initiatives and policies that can help encourage wise development in the Garden State.
Land Use Solutions
Rescheduled Conference Brings Together New Jersey’s Planning Leaders
Thursday, January 24th, 2013Blaming the Victim in South Jersey Pedestrian Fatalities
Thursday, January 3rd, 2013A look at pedestrian fatalities in Vineland, N.J., winds up blaming the victim when what’s needed are better road design and better land-use decision-making.
Safe Routes to School: Small Steps for Healthy Kids
Thursday, October 11th, 2012During National Walk and Bike to School month, we look at some compelling reasons to make it easier for schoolchildren to walk or bike to school – most notably increased physical activity and reduced traffic. The new federal transportation legislation includes funding for cycling and walking programs and infrastructure, but also enough flexibility that those funds might get diverted for other uses. We urge the New Jersey state DOT to keep bicycle and pedestrian funding, and we encourage the development of more communities where housing and schools are within walking distance of each other.
Comprehensive Transit Inventory Allows for More Strategic Investment Decisions
Monday, September 24th, 2012The transit station inventory provides policy makers, municipal officials and development professionals with a systematic way to identify the highest-potential opportunities for various kinds of development around transit stations.
Targeting Industry and Geography Together to Foster Job Growth
Wednesday, September 12th, 2012New Jersey has recently been losing jobs in several of the key industries highlighted in the draft State Strategic Plan. An examination of innovation districts as an economic growth strategy suggests state investments in key industries should be strongly linked to the kinds of smart-growth places where they can flourish.
Dunellen and East Orange as Transit Villages: One Designation, Two Strategies
Wednesday, August 29th, 2012Dunellen and East Orange can each use the Transit Village designation in a way that best serves residents – to increase residential growth (and, presumably, residential values) near a station that should be starting to see higher ridership rates, or to expand employment opportunities and building its commercial tax base.
Does Traffic Congestion Make You More Productive?
Friday, June 1st, 2012Traffic congestion and per-capita GDP both rise in desirable urban areas. Smart-growth development policies could enhance productivity further by helping to reduce congestion.
Walk or Cycle to Work? You Have Company
Monday, May 14th, 2012Cycling or walking to work is a small but important phenomenon in New Jersey. Between 2000 and 2010 there has been a large increase in the number of people who cycle to work. Residents of bike friendly communities enjoy both health and economic benefits, and NJDOT and a growing number of municipalities are implementing Complete Streets policies to foster biking and walking.
359 Municipalities Working Toward Sustainable Jersey Certification
Wednesday, April 18th, 2012New Jersey is the first state in the nation to have a comprehensive sustainability program that supports community efforts to reduce waste, cut greenhouse gas emissions and improve environmental equity. Of the state’s 566 municipalities, 359 are registered and working toward Sustainable Jersey certification, and nearly 75 percent of New Jersey’s population lives in one of those communities.
2012 Smart Growth Award Winners Announced
Wednesday, April 18th, 2012Two plans, an innovative zoning code, a feasibility study and three projects are winners of New Jersey Future’s 2012 Smart Growth Awards. In addition, the Cary Edwards Leadership Award will be presented to Joseph M. Taylor, president and chief executive officer of Panasonic Corporation of North America.