A new report examines a range of technology-driven innovations that have the potential to disrupt the traditional processes of planning and development.
Transportation Funding
Five Ways Social Entrepreneurship Could Disrupt Traditional Planning and Development
Tuesday, September 10th, 2013Forum Roundup: The Shaky State of Our Infrastructure
Monday, March 4th, 2013The billions needed to upgrade New Jersey’s infrastructure will climb even higher in wake of Hurricane Sandy.
Safe Routes to School: Small Steps for Healthy Kids
Thursday, October 11th, 2012During National Walk and Bike to School month, we look at some compelling reasons to make it easier for schoolchildren to walk or bike to school – most notably increased physical activity and reduced traffic. The new federal transportation legislation includes funding for cycling and walking programs and infrastructure, but also enough flexibility that those funds might get diverted for other uses. We urge the New Jersey state DOT to keep bicycle and pedestrian funding, and we encourage the development of more communities where housing and schools are within walking distance of each other.
What We Wanted to Say: New Revenue Sources, Not More Borrowing, Needed to Fund Transportation
Tuesday, June 19th, 2012It is critical to New Jersey’s prosperity to maintain a safe and reliable transportation system, and the state must find stable, sustainable funding for it from sources other than debt.
“One-Seat Ride” Not Contingent on the (Now-Canceled) ARC Tunnel
Friday, April 13th, 2012The cancellation of the ARC Tunnel does not mean the purchase of dual-mode locomotives is now unnecessary. These locomotives can still provide one-seat rides to many commuters.
More New Jersey Commuters Relying on Transit to Get to Work
Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012New data show that more New Jersey commuters are relying on transit to get to work, and that, even with the decentralization of employment, there has been no increase in the percentage of solo drivers.
New Jersey Future Hails Promise of State Strategic Plan
Monday, April 2nd, 2012New Jersey Future’s comments recommend some needed revisions to the draft State Strategic Plan to ensure that it will improve the state’s economy, its environment, and its communities.
NJDOT Proposes to Restore Transit Village Program Funding
Friday, March 30th, 2012NJDOT’s capital program for 2012 proposes to fund the Transit Village program and the Safe Streets to Transit program. It’s important that both proposals make it into the final budget.
A Better Transportation Bill
Thursday, March 22nd, 2012The U.S.Senate has passed a better transportation bill than the House did. Now it’s time for the House to pass it too.
House Transportation Bill Falls Short
Thursday, February 9th, 2012Despite all the health benefits of biking, walking or using transit, the House of Representatives’ proposed transportation re-authorization bill falls short on these key transportation needs.