Following the lead of their neighbor Montclair, Bloomfield Township in Essex County became the seventh municipality in New Jersey to embrace complete streets after their town council voted unanimously last night in support of the policy. Bloomfield was awarded a Smart Growth Award from NJ Future in 2008 for their Town Center Redevelopment Plan, which, among other […]
Bicycle and Pedestrian
Bloomfield Adopts Complete Streets Policy
Tuesday, March 8th, 2011NJ’s Gold Coast Ranks First in “Smart Transportation”
Friday, February 25th, 2011Fresh on the heels of Streetsfilms’ video lauding Jersey City as a leader in transit-oriented development, New Jersey’s second city is again making headlines as a leader in smart growth.
Ensuring Roads Fit for All Users
Thursday, January 20th, 2011The state Department of Transportation recently adopted a “Complete Streets” policy — ensuring that roadways are designed and operated to enable safe access for all users, not just cars.
Newark to Build New Jersey’s First Protected Bike Lane
Friday, November 19th, 2010
Rendering of the Mt. Prospect bike lane. Source: Sam Schwartz Engineering
Bicycling has grown steadily in popularity over the past decade across the country, both as a form of recreation and, more often, transportation. One sign of this shift in New Jersey has been the appearance of bicycle advocacy groups including the Brick City Bike Collective, the West Windsor Bicycle and […]
Two More Communities Adopt Complete Streets Policies, More Likely
Wednesday, August 25th, 2010A common sight across NJ. Source:
The adoption of a statewide complete streets policy by the New Jersey Department of Transportation was a major milestone for those who believe New Jersey’s streets should be designed for all users, not just drivers. But because only a small percentage of roads in the state are actually controlled […]
Monmouth County, West Windsor Twp Adopt Complete Streets Policies
Monday, July 26th, 2010Source: National Complete Streets Coalition
When the NJDOT adopted its Complete Streets policy last fall, it included a provision establishing an incentive within the Local Aid Program (a major source of funding for local road projects) for counties and municipalities to adopt their own Complete Streets policies. Unfortunately, in the months since the NJDOT adopted their […]
NJ Ranked as 8th Friendliest State for Bicyclists
Monday, May 24th, 2010The League of American Cyclists ranked New Jersey as the 8th friendliest state in the nation for bicyclists in the 2010 version of their annual rankings, up two spots from 2009. The top five states in the survey were
Altantic City. Source:
Washington, Wisconsin, Maine, Minnesota and Oregon. Beyond the overall ranking, New Jersey generally fared […]
Celebrate Earth Day on Two Wheels … or Two Feet
Thursday, April 22nd, 2010New Jersey ranks third to last in per-capita spending of federal transportation dollars on bicycle and pedestrian projects, according to the T4America campaign.
Star-Ledger on Complete Streets
Monday, October 19th, 2009This Saturday the Star-Ledger wrote an editorial highlighting the rise in pedestrian fatalities in New Jersey in 2009. The editorial quoted New Jersey Future Executive Director Peter Kasabach on the need for a Complete Streets policy in the state. The full editorial can be seen here.
Groups: New Jersey Needs a Complete Streets Policy
Tuesday, October 13th, 2009Have you ever seen a road that ends abruptly in a patch of grass? It’s doubtful, since engineers design roads to precise specifications. But the same can’t be said of sidewalks and bike lanes in much of NJ. Photo: Route 70 in Cherry Hill, by Andrew Smith
This article was co-written with Tri-State’s Steven Higashide and […]