Working for Smart Growth:
More Livable Places and Open Spaces


This Week in Land Use

This Week in Land Use

Monday, November 9th, 2009

Each Friday Garden State Smart Growth will post a collection of links to news articles pertaining to land use in New Jersey. We’ll capture many relevant stories, but please let us know if we’ve missed anything.

Wednesday 11/4/09– Once again, N.J. backs bond issue to conserve space (
Wednesday 11/4/09- Senior housing planned at old industrial site […]

This Week in Land Use

Friday, October 30th, 2009

Each Friday Garden State Smart Growth will post a collection of links to news articles pertaining to land use in New Jersey. We’ll capture many relevant stories, but please let us know if we’ve missed anything.

Monday 10/26/09 Proposed DEP regulations renew sniping among environmentalists (Star-Ledger)
Monday 10/26/09 N.J. says green energy effort may be harmful (Bergen […]

This Week in Land Use

Friday, October 23rd, 2009

Each Friday Garden State Smart Growth will post a collection of links to news articles pertaining to land use in New Jersey. We’ll capture many relevant stories, but please let us know if we’ve missed anything.

Saturday 10/17/09- Bell Labs site, sewers at issue in Holmdel election (Asbury Park Press)
Saturday 10/17/09- Opponents of Palisades strip mall […]

This Week in Land Use

Monday, October 19th, 2009

Each Friday Garden State Smart Growth will post a collection of links to news articles pertaining to land use in New Jersey. We’ll capture many relevant stories, but please let us know if we’ve missed anything.

Sunday 10/11/09– Bordentown City puts finishing touches on land-use plan […]

This Week in Land Use

Friday, October 9th, 2009

Each Friday Garden State Smart Growth will post a collection of links to news articles pertaining to land use in New Jersey. We’ll capture many relevant stories, but please let us know if we’ve missed anything.

Saturday 10/3/09 – Land landmark: With Snyder farm preservation, Gloucester County saves its 15,000th acre (Gloucester County Times)
Monday 10/5/09 New […]

This Week in Land Use

Friday, October 2nd, 2009

Each Friday Garden State Smart Growth will post a collection of links to news articles pertaining to land use in New Jersey. We’ll capture many relevant stories, but please let us know if we’ve missed anything.

Sunday 9/27/09- Why undermine Smart Growth? (Gloucester County Times)
Monday- Red Bank permits higher-density development around train station (Asbury Park Press)
Tuesday […]

This Week in Land Use

Monday, September 28th, 2009

Each Friday Garden State Smart Growth will post a collection of links to news articles pertaining to land use in New Jersey. We’ll capture many relevant stories, but please let us know if we’ve missed anything.

Monday 9/21/09– N.J. senators to introduce bill addressing recent Mount Laurel court case (Star-Ledger)
Monday 9/21/09- […]

This Week in Land Use

Monday, September 28th, 2009

Each Friday Garden State Smart Growth will post a collection of links to news articles pertaining to land use in New Jersey. We’ll capture many relevant stories, but please let us know if we’ve missed anything.

Monday 9/14/09– Developer offers new promises for Atlantic City’s Garwood Mills site (Press […]

This Week in Land Use

Sunday, September 27th, 2009

Each Friday Garden State Smart Growth will post a collection of links to news articles pertaining to land use in New Jersey. We’ll capture many relevant stories, but please let us know if we’ve missed anything.

Monday 9/7/09– Large share of N.J.’s dwindling development driven by five counties  (NJ Biz)
Tuesday 9/8/09– N.J. appeals court upholds Highlands […]

This Week in Land Use

Sunday, September 27th, 2009

Each Friday Garden State Smart Growth will post a collection of links to news articles pertaining to land use in New Jersey. We’ll capture many relevant stories, but please let us know if we’ve missed anything.

Monday 8/31/09- County, at last, will turn old rails into trails (Star Ledger)
Monday 8/31/09- Harmony Township considers affordable housing […]

© New Jersey Future, 16 W. Lafayette St. • Trenton, NJ 08608 • Phone: 609-393-0008 • Fax: 609-360-8478

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