New Jersey residents are unhappy about recent growth patterns, saying they have made the state expensive and difficult to travel. They support coordinated planning to protect natural resources, foster walkable communities and enhance transportation options.
Smart Growth
New Jersey Residents Are Concerned About How the State Has Developed
Tuesday, October 11th, 2011State Officials Tout Transit Villages
Thursday, August 25th, 2011Two of New Jersey’s top transportation officials stress the importance of transit-oriented development and the state’s Transit Villages program.
What makes a great place to live?
Friday, August 19th, 2011CNNMoney’s list of great places to live is a good start, but how about some more smart-growth indicators included in the criteria they used?
New Jersey Future Announces 10th Anniversary Smart Growth Award-Winners
Friday, June 3rd, 2011A diverse group of innovative development and redevelopment projects located in cities, towns and townships across New Jersey will be honored with Smart Growth Awards from New Jersey Future as part of the 10th Anniversary awards celebration and retrospective.
Seven Trend-Setting Projects, Plans Earn Smart Growth Awards for 2011
Wednesday, June 1st, 2011Seven projects and plans, ranging from a new village center in Byram Township to a creative inter-municipal affordable-housing project in Woodstown Borough and Pilesgrove Township to an innovative recycling facility in Woodbridge, have been selected to receive 2011 Smart Growth Awards.
National Experts Advise the Christie Administration on State Strategic Planning
Monday, May 23rd, 2011The Christie administration hosted a Governor’s Institute on Community Design workshop to explore advancing a state strategic plan that focuses on economic development and the importance of location.
NJDOT Commissioner: $1 Million for Transit Villages Not Enough, So We Made It Zero
Tuesday, May 17th, 2011Contrary to appearances, the NJDOT really likes the Transit Village program, and its aim of producing more transit-oriented development. But the $1 million in funding the program received paled in comparison to the need, so we decided to eliminate the funding altogether.
Make the Healthy Choice the Easy Choice
Tuesday, May 17th, 2011The League of American Bicyclists recently ranked New Jersey the eighth most “Bicycle Friendly State” and bestowed a “Bronze Award” on the Garden State for its policies.
Deadline Friday – Join Us!
Thursday, May 12th, 2011More than 200 people are already committed to attending our 10th Smart Growth Awards on Thursday, June 9. As usual, we expect a great networking event with a room full of New Jersey’s leaders in smart growth.
We hope you and your colleagues will join us for the occasion, and a great way to participate is […]
Fear of School Kids Trumps Land-Use Planning in Robbinsville
Wednesday, May 4th, 2011When the planning board voted to deny a developer’s application to convert units because it would attract too many school kids, it raised the larger issue of the role of fiscal considerations in land-use decision-making at the local level.