A session at the New Jersey Future Redevelopment Forum examined how stormwater utilities work in other states, what their benefits are, why New Jersey may want to consider authorizing them, and where the state is in that process.
State Planning
How Do We Pay for New Jersey’s Aging Stormwater Infrastructure?
Wednesday, April 4th, 2018A Competition Over Placemaking
Monday, April 2nd, 2018Speakers at the New Jersey Future Redevelopment Forum plenary session discussed how to capitalize on national trends affecting redevelopment, and things New Jersey can do to foster revitalization of communities of all sizes. The key, they all said, is placemaking.
New Report Outlines Coastal Resilience Strategies
Wednesday, December 13th, 2017A new report, prepared by New Jersey Future as part of the state Department of Environmental Protection’s Sustainable and Resilient Coastal Communities project, details strategies and tools coastal municipalities that want to reduce their vulnerability to future sea-level rise can use, and it outlines steps the state can take to support and coordinate local efforts.
Water Conference Urges Action From New Jersey’s New Administration
Wednesday, December 6th, 2017More than 300 people from across the water sector attended Jersey Water Works’ third annual conference, focused on priorities for the incoming Murphy administration.
A Year One Clean Water Agenda for the New Governor
Thursday, November 30th, 2017A group of public-sector, private-sector and nonprofit organizations has proposed Year One Clean Water Agenda for Governor-elect Phil Murphy, urging him to prioritize investment in clean water during the first year of his administration.
Smart-Growth Policy Priorities Well Represented on Murphy Transition Team
Monday, November 27th, 2017Smart-growth policy issues are well represented by the 15 experts now or formerly associated with New Jersey Future who have been named to the transition teams working with Governor-elect Phil Murphy.
What New Jersey Can Learn From Washington, D.C., About Transportation Improvements
Friday, November 17th, 2017An analysis of the transportation challenges the Washington, D.C., region faces has important lessons for New Jersey about the transportation-land use connection.
New Report Shows New Jersey Is Still on the ‘Long Road Home’ After Sandy
Wednesday, October 25th, 2017A new report details results of a survey of the long-term effects of Hurricane Sandy, and highlights steps to mitigate the effects of future such disasters.
Symposium Addresses Dangers of Inaction on Climate Change
Wednesday, October 18th, 2017A range of speakers at New Jersey Future’s Shore of the Future event highlighted the need for broad-scale responses to the threat of climate change, and the costs of inaction.
Analysis: New Jersey Is Losing Its Millennials
Thursday, September 28th, 2017A new analysis of Census data shows that New Jersey’s Millennials prefer living in vibrant, mixed-use, transit-served places. However, the state is losing these young adults.