A consortium of planning and environmental groups urged Gov. Christie to veto the so-called “Meadowlands bill.”
Regional Planning
New Jersey Future, Other Groups Urge Veto of ‘Meadowlands Bill’
Wednesday, February 4th, 2015White House Executive Order May Make Shore Communities Less Vulnerable to Storm Damage
Monday, February 2nd, 2015New Jersey policymakers applaud the White House executive order requiring all federal agencies that distribute project money to require consideration of sea-level rise in building standards.
Extending Approval for State Plan Centers Could Harm Coastal Towns
Friday, January 23rd, 2015Extending center designations for coastal towns without first evaluating their vulnerability to sea-level rise could allow growth in vulnerable areas.
Rebuild By Design Projects Must Ensure Equity, Resiliency, Public Involvement
Wednesday, January 21st, 2015Our comments on the proposed plan for the third round of federal Sandy recovery funds stress that implementation must ensure equity, public participation and resiliency.
Workshop Attendees Learn Innovative Approaches to Addressing Combined-Sewer Overflows
Tuesday, January 20th, 2015A one-day workshop co-hosted by New Jersey Future provided information to New Jersey cities on innovative ways to address their combined-sewer overflow problems.
New Jersey Future Staff To Speak at APA-NJ Conference
Thursday, January 15th, 2015New Jersey Future staff will speak in four sessions at APA-NJ’s annual planning conference Jan. 29 and 30, including a special screening of the documentary film Shored Up.
Reinvesting in Urban Water Infrastructure through Combined Sewer Overflow Long Term Control Plans
Thursday, January 15th, 2015Representatives from the 21 New Jersey municipalities that have combined sewer overflows and utility authorities came together to learn more about collaboration, tools and financing mechanisms to upgrade urban water infrastructure.
Plan Released for Third Round of Federal Sandy Funds
Friday, December 19th, 2014The plan directs the third round of federal Sandy relief funds toward housing needs and for implementation of two of the winning Rebuild By Design resiliency projects.
How Can We Discuss Climate Change Constructively?
Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014In a recent lecture, author George Marshall discusses why it’s so hard for us to grapple with climate change, and offers some suggestions for ways to discuss the topic more constructively.
Fourth Regional Plan Conference Themes: Revitalization, Technology, Affordability and Access
Monday, November 17th, 2014The New Jersey Conference on the Fourth Regional Plan highlighted issues of affordability, transportation, technology, access to opportunity, and climate change.