Two undergraduate papers that focus on key New Jersey land-use policy issues have won a prestigious statewide award.
Regional Planning
College Papers on Key New Jersey Policy Issues Win Statewide Academic Award
Monday, May 4th, 2015Planning Our Coastal Future: Little Egg Harbor and Tuckerton
Tuesday, April 28th, 2015Little Egg Harbor and Tuckerton get their first look at New Jersey Future’s analysis of vulnerability to future flooding from sea-level rise.
New Meadowlands Project Under Way
Monday, April 13th, 2015The first of the two New Jersey-based Rebuild By Design projects is under way, and includes enhanced public outreach measures.
Community Meetings To Focus on Flood Vulnerability, Potential Solutions
Friday, April 10th, 2015A series of free public meetings in Tuckerton and Little Egg Harbor will focus on vulnerability to coastal flooding, and explore potential solutions.
Opinion: Bill To Reform Meadowlands Commission an Ill-Planned Clean-Up Attempt
Thursday, March 26th, 2015The president of the American Planning Association’s New Jersey chapter urges the Legislature to reconsider how it will address its proposed reform of the Meadowlands Commission.
Meadowlands ‘Cleanup Bill’ Needs Cleaning Up
Wednesday, March 18th, 2015The proposed Meadowlands “cleanup” bill doesn’t go far enough to fix the flaws in the original legislation.
State’s Application to National Disaster Resilience Competition Is Strong, Can Be Stronger
Thursday, March 12th, 2015New Jersey Future supports the state’s draft application to the National Disaster Resilience Competition and suggests ways it can be strengthened
New Jersey Enters National Disaster Resilience Contest
Friday, February 27th, 2015New Jersey DEP has posted a draft of its application to the National Disaster Resilience Competition, and is inviting public comment. If successful, the state could get up to $1 billion for design and implementation of resiliency projects.
Experts Detail Challenges of Adapting to Climate Change
Tuesday, February 17th, 2015Experts at a recent roundtable discussed the challenges New Jersey faces in adapting to a changing climate.
New Jersey Future Vulnerability Assessment Process To Be Presented at National Conference
Friday, February 6th, 2015A process developed by New Jersey Future helps that municipalities quantify their financial vulnerability to flooding and sea-level rise will be featured at the American Planning Association’s national conference in April 2015.