New Jersey’s leading planning organizations sent Gov. Christie a letter this week calling for a full slate of nominees to the Highlands Council that meets the intent, spirit, and legal requirements of the Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act.
Regional Planning
Planning Groups call for a Full Slate of Committed Nominees to the Highlands Council
Friday, December 17th, 2010Governor’s Barnegat Bay Action Plan is a Promising First Step
Wednesday, December 15th, 2010Last week, Governor Christie announced a comprehensive plan to ensure a healthier ecosystem in the Barnegat Bay. The combination of actions shows recognition of the need to view the Bay and its watershed as an integral whole if the Bay’s ecological problems are going to be solved.
Smart Growth Produces Economic Benefits Across the Country
Thursday, December 2nd, 2010State and local organizations (including New Jersey Future) are working to improve the ways we plan and build towns, cities and metro areas.
Governance by Watershed: What Would It Look Like in NJ?
Monday, November 15th, 2010image source: Strange Maps
Strange Maps today takes a look at a map illustrating what the Intermountain West would have looked like if the US government had heeded the recommendation of explorer John Wesley Powell that state boundaries in the country’s arid region be drawn to coincide with drainage basins. (A larger version of the map […]
Regional Planning Efforts Deliver Results
Thursday, October 14th, 2010Regional land use planning has been used successfully in New Jersey to manage resources that transcend municipal boundaries.
Traffic Isn’t The Only Type of Gridlock Along Route 1
Thursday, September 16th, 2010New Jersey Department of Transportation released a draft of its long-awaited Regional Growth Strategy for the Route 1 region in Central Jersey.
Municipal “Ratables Chase” Doesn’t Necessarily Pay
Wednesday, August 4th, 2010Do municipalities with the highest concentrations of commercial properties also tend to have the lowest tax rates?
Study Confirms Need to Put Teeth Behind State Smart Growth Plans
Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009A new study titled, “Managing Growth With Priority Funding Areas: A Good Idea Whose Time Has Yet to Come” highlights Maryland’s efforts at creating priority funding areas to incentivize smart growth land development decisions. The study shows that voluntary incentives alone are not enough to curb sprawl and direct growth. While New Jersey’s […]
What People Think About State Planning in New Jersey
Tuesday, October 27th, 2009On October 16, 2009 more than 300 people — lawyers, planners, policy makers, environmentalists, developers and citizens — attended a day-long conference at Princeton University co-hosted by New Jersey Future and the Policy Research Institute for the Region titled Where Are We Growing: Planning for New Jersey’s Next 20 Years. After a day of examining […]
Statement from New Jersey Future on State Planning Act
Monday, October 5th, 2009Last week, New Jersey Future released the following statement regarding proposed updates to the State Planning Act:
Friends of New Jersey Future,
New Jersey Future is pleased that a considerable amount of attention is being paid this fall to the State Planning Act and the State Development and Redevelopment Plan. As those of you who subscribe to […]