Working for Smart Growth:
More Livable Places and Open Spaces


Development and Redevelopment

Targeting Industry and Geography Together to Foster Job Growth

Wednesday, September 12th, 2012

New Jersey has recently been losing jobs in several of the key industries highlighted in the draft State Strategic Plan. An examination of innovation districts as an economic growth strategy suggests state investments in key industries should be strongly linked to the kinds of smart-growth places where they can flourish.

Dunellen and East Orange as Transit Villages: One Designation, Two Strategies

Wednesday, August 29th, 2012

Dunellen and East Orange can each use the Transit Village designation in a way that best serves residents – to increase residential growth (and, presumably, residential values) near a station that should be starting to see higher ridership rates, or to expand employment opportunities and building its commercial tax base.

New Jersey State Plan Update Back On Track

Friday, August 3rd, 2012

The process that will lead to adoption of the State Strategic Plan is moving forward once again, with a final public hearing now scheduled.

Cities (Of All Sizes) Lead the State in Population Growth

Wednesday, July 18th, 2012

Not only are New Jersey’s urbanized counties leading the state in population growth trends, the cities within those counties are also leading the way. This is good news for the most developed state in the country.

New Sewer Service Maps Will Support Responsible Development, Water Protection

Tuesday, July 17th, 2012

Updated Sewer Service Area maps have been filed with the DEP from all 21 New Jersey counties, representing a milestone in providing guidance for responsible development in the state.

Urban Transit Hub Tax Credit at a Crossroads

Thursday, June 28th, 2012

The Urban Transit Hub Tax Credit has proven to be a popular incentive to concentrate jobs and housing around transit hubs. It is approaching its funding cap, which provides a good opportunity to take stock and perhaps adjust. But it also raises important questions about how the state wants to apportion its economic development incentives going forward.

New Jersey Counties Show Dramatic Reversal in Population Growth Patterns

Tuesday, June 12th, 2012

In the past three years, New Jersey’s county population growth patterns have shown a remarkable reversal from their previous trend toward outward-pushing sprawl development. The newest Census figures indicate a return to urban and inner-suburban counties, to more compact, walkable places.

Does Traffic Congestion Make You More Productive?

Friday, June 1st, 2012

Traffic congestion and per-capita GDP both rise in desirable urban areas. Smart-growth development policies could enhance productivity further by helping to reduce congestion.

Seven Exemplary Projects, Plans Earn Smart Growth Awards for 2012

Thursday, May 31st, 2012

Seven projects and plans, ranging from a mixed-use brownfield redevelopment to a shopping center transformation to an innovative alternative to traditional zoning, will receive New Jersey Future’s 2012 Smart Growth Awards. Joseph M. Taylor, chairman and chief executive officer of Panasonic Corporation of North America, will receive the Cary Edwards Leadership Award, honoring his decision to build a new headquarters in Newark.

Tangible Progress on Long-Awaited Sewer Service Area Updates

Thursday, May 31st, 2012

Somerset County’s Future Wastewater Service Area maps have now been posted for public notice, making it the third county to do so. Four other counties have submitted maps that should be posted soon, and 11 more counties are expected to submit maps by a July 15, 2012, deadline.

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