Executive Director Peter Kasabach made his debut April 2 on Al Jazeera America, joining a panel on Ray Suarez’s show Inside Story to talk about the importance of understanding the risks posed by a changing climate, and giving communities the leadership and resources they need to plan accordingly.
Development and Redevelopment
Communities Need To Understand, Plan Effectively for Climate Risks
Thursday, April 3rd, 2014Forum Feature: Eyes Wide Open … or Shut
Thursday, April 3rd, 2014At a Redevelopment Forum session on climate change, speakers were clear: New Jersey is paying insufficient attention to the increasing risks of a changing climate, and both good leadership and good information are needed if that is to change.
2014 Smart Growth Awards Announced
Tuesday, April 1st, 2014Three housing developments; two downtown plans; a transformative open-space plan; an anchor of hope for its surrounding community; and a region-wide plan for smart economic growth are all winners of New Jersey Future’s 2014 Smart Growth Awards. Former State Planning Commission Chairman Joe Maraziti will receive the Cary Edwards Leadership Award.
Forum Keynote: Target Investments at Assets, not Companies
Friday, March 21st, 2014New Jersey, and the entire region, can learn from New York’s success how best to invest in economic growth.
Forum Feature: Giving Office Parks a New Lease on Life
Thursday, March 20th, 2014There are opportunities to repurpose New Jersey’s increasingly obsolete suburban structures, such as malls and office parks, but it takes a lot of effort and cooperation.
Forum Feature: What’s Plan B? Energy Resiliency in Redevelopment
Thursday, March 20th, 2014A range of options, addressing both supply alternatives and asset isolation and protection, is available to municipalities that want to make themselves more energy-resilient during emergencies.
Forum Feature: Does Green Infrastructure Create Real Estate Value?
Thursday, March 20th, 2014The use of green-infrastructure elements can add real estate value through both higher revenues and lower costs, but they must be incorporated early in the design process.
Draft 2014 New Jersey Hazard Mitigation Plan Available for Comment
Tuesday, March 11th, 2014For the first time, the state will accept public comment on its newly released draft Hazard Mitigation Plan. All interested parties are encouraged to submit comments.
Advocates Call for Valid Risk Assessment, Mitigation Planning in State’s Draft Post-Sandy Action Plan
Wednesday, March 5th, 2014New Jersey Future calls for more emphasis on planning, transparency and risk assessment in the new Sandy Action Plan, saying to do less wastes taxpayer funds.
‘Shored Up’: An Important Primer on Complex Coastal Development Issues
Tuesday, February 25th, 2014A new documentary explores the complex issues surrounding development along our increasingly vulnerable coastlines.