Working for Smart Growth:
More Livable Places and Open Spaces


Development and Redevelopment

Experts Agree on Action Agenda To Address State’s Water Infrastructure Problems

Wednesday, June 18th, 2014

Faced with a deadline, attendees at Jersey City meeting agreed on an “Agenda for Change” to catalyze the transformation of New Jersey’s urban water systems.

Innovation Districts: New Jersey Has the Right Ingredients

Thursday, June 5th, 2014

A Brookings Institution report and event, including live webcast, on the rise of innovation districts highlight their potential as economic-development tools. Such districts can serve as models for New Jersey at it seeks to attract economic growth.

Getting to Resilience in Sea Bright

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014

Sea Bright is one of several New Jersey towns making use of a new online tool that helps assess and address community vulnerabilities to flooding, coastal storms and sea-level rise.

Convening Aims to Develop an Agenda for Change for New Jersey’s Urban Water Infrastructure

Tuesday, May 20th, 2014

Leaders explore challenges and opportunities for revamping water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure in New Jersey cities.

Investing in Transit Is an Economic Incentive

Wednesday, May 14th, 2014

Cities around the country are discovering that investments in transit bring economic benefits. New Jersey could take a lesson.

New Report Highlights State’s Water Infrastructure Crisis

Tuesday, May 6th, 2014

A new report analyzes the state of water infrastructure in New Jersey’s oldest cities, and highlights both the urgent need for repair and the challenges repair efforts face.

Highlands Development Regulations Not Responsible for Exurban Slowdown

Thursday, April 24th, 2014

Contrary to some reports, the slowdown in population growth in New Jersey’s northwestern exurbs is not the result of restrictions on development imposed by the Highlands Act.

Forum Plenary: A Tale of Three Cities

Thursday, April 17th, 2014

Three cities offer three approaches to urban downtown revitalization.

Forum Feature: Is Demolition Always the Best Option for Vacant Properties?

Thursday, April 10th, 2014

Finding the most appropriate solution for a vacant property will almost always have multiple positive effects. Often the best solution is not demolition.

New County Population Estimates: Older Places Continue Their Revival

Friday, April 4th, 2014

The new Census estimates show a continuation of county population trends: Older, already-built places see growth, and exurban counties see population losses.

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