Little Egg Harbor and Tuckerton get their first look at New Jersey Future’s analysis of vulnerability to future flooding from sea-level rise.
Development and Redevelopment
Planning Our Coastal Future: Little Egg Harbor and Tuckerton
Tuesday, April 28th, 2015League of Municipalities Executive Director To Retire
Tuesday, April 28th, 2015New Jersey Future salutes the New Jersey State League of Municipalities’ executive director, Bill Dressel, who is retiring after 41 years with the organization.
Raising Awareness of our Urban Water Infrastructure on #UndertheEarthDay
Wednesday, April 22nd, 2015New Jersey Future’s Urban Water Solutions initiative takes to social media for #UndertheEarthDay to highlight the state of our water and pipes.
New Jersey Future Joins National Infrastructure Week With Free Webinar May 14
Tuesday, April 21st, 2015Free webinar as part of Infrastructure Week will will highlight effective communications tools to build support for water infrastructure upgrades.
New Meadowlands Project Under Way
Monday, April 13th, 2015The first of the two New Jersey-based Rebuild By Design projects is under way, and includes enhanced public outreach measures.
Community Meetings To Focus on Flood Vulnerability, Potential Solutions
Friday, April 10th, 2015A series of free public meetings in Tuckerton and Little Egg Harbor will focus on vulnerability to coastal flooding, and explore potential solutions.
Forum Plenary: Impact Investing and Systems Thinking
Friday, April 10th, 2015A look at how new approaches to investing are reshaping New Jersey’s cities both above and below ground.
2015 Smart Growth Award Winners Announced
Monday, March 30th, 2015New Jersey Future announces the winners of its 2015 Smart Growth Awards; Anne Babineau Esq. to receive leadership award.
Opinion: Bill To Reform Meadowlands Commission an Ill-Planned Clean-Up Attempt
Thursday, March 26th, 2015The president of the American Planning Association’s New Jersey chapter urges the Legislature to reconsider how it will address its proposed reform of the Meadowlands Commission.
Forum Keynote: Opportunities (and Challenges) for Great Change
Wednesday, March 18th, 2015Redevelopment Forum keynote speaker Lynn Richards from Congress for the New Urbanism argued that this is the moment for great change in how we grow and develop.