Working for Smart Growth:
More Livable Places and Open Spaces


Development and Redevelopment

Post-Recession, Housing Growth and Value in Distressed Municipalities Keep Pace With Non-Distressed

Monday, October 5th, 2015

An analysis of growth in residential certificates of occupancy and changes in home values suggests that distressed municipalities have fared at least as well as their non-distressed counterparts since the Great Recession.

Housing and Community Development Network Honors New Jersey Future With Community Partner Award

Thursday, September 24th, 2015

The Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey is honoring New Jersey Future with its Exceptional Community Partner Award.

Surgeon General’s #StepItUp Campaign Highlights Land-Use Challenges to Regular Walking

Thursday, September 10th, 2015

The surgeon general’s call for more walking, and acknowledgement that not all communities are designed to foster walking, is a welcome recognition of the importance of smart-growth design.

New Jersey Future To Honor George Pruitt, Pioneer in Higher Education, Trenton Revitalization

Tuesday, September 1st, 2015

The long-time president of Thomas Edison State College will be recognized for his commitment to higher education and to New Jersey’s capital city.

Entering a New Era of New Jersey Urban Water Quality

Friday, August 14th, 2015

The Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission, one of 25 cities and utilities to receive DEP permits that require controlling sewage overflows, is the first to to indicate it will go above minimum requirements.

Transportation, Housing Improvements Needed To Make New Jersey Towns More Aging-Friendly

Wednesday, August 12th, 2015

Two recent articles highlight the difficulties many New Jersey towns have in making themselves accommodating to older residents.

Outreach Plan for Hoboken Rebuild By Design Project Needs Improvement

Tuesday, August 4th, 2015

The draft Citizen Outreach Plan for the Hudson River Rebuild By Design project needs to be expanded in several ways if it is to serve all affected citizens well.

Can Somerset County Attract Millennials?

Thursday, July 30th, 2015

A report from a studio class at the Bloustein School examines Somerset County’s opportunities to attract Millennials.

New Jersey Future Board Chairman Named to Monmouth University’s First Endowed Chair in Real Estate Policy

Monday, July 27th, 2015

New Jersey Future’s board chairman is named to Monmouth University’s first endowed chair in real estate policy.

State Planning Commission Set To Extend Center Designations; Leaves Coastal Towns at Risk

Friday, July 10th, 2015

The State Planning Commission is set to extend center designations another three years, even though this action invites coastal towns to put new development in locations vulnerable to flooding and sea-level rise.

© New Jersey Future, 16 W. Lafayette St. • Trenton, NJ 08608 • Phone: 609-393-0008 • Fax: 609-360-8478

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