Working for Smart Growth:
More Livable Places and Open Spaces


Development and Redevelopment

Design Professionals Walk Away With Practical Green Infrastructure Insights

Friday, June 24th, 2016

In its second series of workshops, New Jersey Future brought together design professionals working in the Highlands and Pinelands regions to expand their understanding of green infrastructure.

Three New Jersey Cities Selected To Accelerate Water Infrastructure Innovation

Wednesday, May 25th, 2016

Gloucester City, Jersey City, and Perth Amboy will receive technical assistance and engineering support services to design innovative, financeable projects that reduce combined sewer outflows (CSOs) while also making neighborhoods and downtowns better places to live, work, and invest.

Smart Growth Award-Winner Wesmont Station Opens

Monday, May 23rd, 2016

Ten years after winning a Smart Growth Award, and long after its associated residential development was completed, NJ Transit’s new Wesmont Station has finally opened.

Built-Out Places Account for Majority of State’s Population Growth Since 2008

Friday, May 20th, 2016

New Census municipal data show that redevelopment continues to accelerate as a way to accommodate New Jersey’s population growth, and population losses continue to spread in the state’s exurban and rural areas.

Forum Roundup: Green Bonds: Financing our Future

Wednesday, May 18th, 2016

A special roundtable discussion at Redevelopment Forum 2016 focused on the opportunities green bonds present to fund resiliency efforts and water-infrastructure upgrades in New Jersey.

Leaders From 34 Municipalities Learn About Green Infrastructure

Tuesday, May 17th, 2016

New Jersey Future recently hosted two workshops for municipal leaders in the Highlands and Pinelands, to introduce them to the benefits and opportunities presented by green infrastructure.

Infrastructure Matters

Monday, May 16th, 2016

National Infrastructure Week is May 16 thru 23, and offers a good reminder of the importance of investing in infrastructure: It benefits the community, and the economy, and the costs of not investing can be far higher.

Fifteen Years of Smart Growth Success

Friday, May 13th, 2016

On their 15th anniversary, a salute to the multi-year winners and supporters of New Jersey Future’s Smart Growth Awards.

Chuck Marohn on the Value of Roads, Streets, and People

Wednesday, May 4th, 2016

At a recent presentation in New Jersey, Strong Towns’ Chuck Marohn talked about how people, rather than cars, create community wealth, and how we benefit from prioritizing people in our planning.

Jersey Water Works Releases 2016 Workplan

Wednesday, April 27th, 2016

The cross-sector collaborative will focus on optimizing current water system operations and engaging affected communities in water-infrastructure investment decisions.

© New Jersey Future, 16 W. Lafayette St. • Trenton, NJ 08608 • Phone: 609-393-0008 • Fax: 609-360-8478

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