The suburban places that used to lead the list of fastest-growing municipalities in New Jersey are still growing, just more slowly.
Author Archive
Sprawl Isn’t Dead, It’s Just Hibernating
Monday, February 10th, 2014Is Redevelopment the ‘New Normal?’
Tuesday, January 28th, 2014New population migration data show that, at least for the moment, New Jersey’s pattern of sprawl development has slowed significantly.
Somerset County Forum Highlights Economic Competitiveness Needs
Tuesday, June 18th, 2013Somerset County is analyzing where to invest for growth and how to retrofit obsolete suburban office parks now that employers are once again focusing on transit-accessible locations.
Regional Planning in the Pinelands: Well-Directed Growth, but What Effect on Natural Resources?
Thursday, April 11th, 2013The Pinelands Protection Act appears to have been effective at steering growth within its jurisdiction, but we must remain vigilant to ensure that the area’s overall growth doesn’t degrade critical natural resources.
Market Demand Drives Increase in Multifamily Building Permits in New Jersey
Wednesday, February 20th, 2013The recent signs of recovery in New Jersey’s homebuilding industry can be traced in large part to a market-driven surge in building permits issued for multi-family construction.
Comprehensive Transit Inventory Allows for More Strategic Investment Decisions
Monday, September 24th, 2012The transit station inventory provides policy makers, municipal officials and development professionals with a systematic way to identify the highest-potential opportunities for various kinds of development around transit stations.
State Strategic Plan Recognizes Importance of Ports to NJ’s Economy
Wednesday, September 12th, 2012Ports, and their attendant goods-distribution industries, are one of the pillars of New Jersey’s economy, and they have their own unique land-use needs. To its credit, the New Jersey State Strategic Plan, which articulates a vision for future physical and economic development in the state, recognizes the importance of the ports and cites them as future growth areas.
Cities (Of All Sizes) Lead the State in Population Growth
Wednesday, July 18th, 2012Not only are New Jersey’s urbanized counties leading the state in population growth trends, the cities within those counties are also leading the way. This is good news for the most developed state in the country.
New Jersey Counties Show Dramatic Reversal in Population Growth Patterns
Tuesday, June 12th, 2012In the past three years, New Jersey’s county population growth patterns have shown a remarkable reversal from their previous trend toward outward-pushing sprawl development. The newest Census figures indicate a return to urban and inner-suburban counties, to more compact, walkable places.
Does Traffic Congestion Make You More Productive?
Friday, June 1st, 2012Traffic congestion and per-capita GDP both rise in desirable urban areas. Smart-growth development policies could enhance productivity further by helping to reduce congestion.