New Jersey’s state and local leaders must also ensure that land purchases are coordinated with planning and regulations, to better protect important open lands and to ensure conservation purchases are cost-efficient and effective.
Author Archive
Open Space Action Needed
Tuesday, September 23rd, 2003State Misses Lead in Affordable Housing
Thursday, July 31st, 2003The state could also ensure that all new development generates affordable housing automatically by including “growth share” as a part of the state’s new housing policy.
Saving New Jersey’s Heritage
Sunday, July 20th, 2003Transfer of Development Rights, or TDR, gives local governments a tool to stop sprawl at little or no cost by shifting development from farms and forests into desired growth areas.
Report: Few Escape Negative Impacts of Sprawl
Friday, June 20th, 2003New Jersey’s current pattern of growth creates negative consequences for all municipalities, not just our older urban areas.
A Housing Dilemma
Thursday, June 5th, 2003More than half of New Jersey’s affordable housing is offered in only 12 communities: Newark, Jersey City, Camden, Trenton, Atlantic City, Paterson, Hoboken, East Orange, Elizabeth, West New York, Orange and North Bergen. Nearly half of all municipalities (256) list no affordable units at all.
Market Needs Vs. Housing Choice
Friday, May 16th, 2003Smart growth restore choices that sprawl-inducing zoning has taken away, by drawing public funding, private investment and jobs back into cities, older suburbs and rural communities, and providing a range of housing and transportation choices that can’t be matched by any sprawling suburban community.
The Conservation Challenge
Friday, April 18th, 2003“Smart Conservation” is the “green” side of smart growth, focused on coordinating land acquisition with planning and regulations to protect important open lands and ensure conservation purchases are cost-efficient and effective
Development and Transit Towns
Monday, March 31st, 2003One of the best places to encourage growth and redevelopment is near train stations and transit hubs.
Impact Fees and Sprawl
Friday, March 21st, 2003To promote smarter growth, impact fees should be used to impede growth where it is not desired, consistent with the state’s blueprint for smart growth, the State Development and Redevelopment Plan.
Finding Room for 1 Million New Residents
Friday, February 28th, 2003There is no denying redevelopment’s enormous potential for accommodating new residents and businesses without taking away open lands.