We are inviting artists, students and anyone interested to submit original artwork representing smart growth themes such as walkable communities, vibrant civic spaces, alternative transportation (walking, biking, public transit), preserved farms and natural spaces.
Author Archive
Smart Growth Photo Contest
Wednesday, April 13th, 2011A Bleak Recent Past, a Brighter Future Ahead
Thursday, March 31st, 2011Experts paint a picture of the Garden State in transition — from a manufacturing and construction-based economy to a services-based economy, from a state in deep recession to a state in slow recovery, from a Baby Boomer-induced growth pattern of suburban sprawl to a Generation Y-inspired comeback for compact, walkable communities.
2011 Redevelopment Forum SUCCESS!
Wednesday, March 16th, 2011The 2011 Redevelopment Forum was a huge success!
Thank you again to our generous title sponsors:
Special thanks to the luncheon & keynote speaker sponsor:
Our tote bags and audio visuals were generously provided by:
Beverages made possible by the generosity of:
More than 150 joined us for a great afternoon networking reception, thanks to sponsors:
More than 80 speakers spoke […]
Pittsburgh Offers Bold Model for Redevelopment
Wednesday, March 16th, 2011As cities and towns in New Jersey grapple with the economic and social challenges of the 21st Century, Murphy said, they can draw some lessons from the example set by Pittsburgh where regional tax-base sharing initiated 40 years ago has led to land-use decisions that preserve open space and maintain vibrant downtowns.
More than 500 registered – join us Friday!
Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011Today we received the registration of our 500th attendee for Friday’s Redevelopment Forum, which will be held at the Hyatt Hotel & Conference Center in New Brunswick. The guest list includes reputable planners, architects, developers, municipal leaders and elected officials.
The entire staff has been working hard, putting the finishing touches on New […]
Fort Monmouth Redevelopment Taking Shape
Tuesday, February 15th, 2011In August 2010, the Legislature dissolved the planning authority and created the Fort Monmouth Economic Revitalization Authority to implement the plan.
Jay Corbalis discussing transportation funding on MY9 News
Tuesday, February 15th, 2011New Jersey Future Policy Analyst Jay Corbalis joined Brenda Blackmon last night on MY9 News to discuss the controversy over the planned toll increase for the Turnpike and Parkway
A Selection of Snippets from 2010 Future Facts
Tuesday, December 28th, 2010New Jersey Future’s Future Facts are just one tool that we use to highlight the latest land-use issues across New Jersey.
2011 Redevelopment Forum
Tuesday, December 21st, 2010Hopefully you have already saved the date for our upcoming Redevelopment Forum, which will be held at the Hyatt Hotel and Conference Center in New Brunswick, on Friday, March 4, 2011.
This one-day conference is a great education and networking event for professionals and concerned citizens. More than 500 planners, architects, developers, municipal officials, advocates and […]
2010 Smart Growth Awards
Thursday, May 6th, 2010Join us on Wednesday, June 2!
The Smart Growth Awards celebration is considered one of the state’s premier networking events and an occasion that draws wide media attention. We expect another well-attended ceremony with more than 300 development industry professionals, as well as local, regional, and state leaders. Since 2002, New Jersey Future has honored smart […]