A new study indicates that creating greater opportunities for those who are poor to live in mixed-income neighborhoods enhances their ability to move into the middle class, and can thus enhance overall economic growth.
Author Archive
Upward Economic Mobility Is a Land-Use Issue
Friday, August 2nd, 2013New Jersey’s Inner Suburbs: Leading Indicator of Opportunity and Challenge
Wednesday, July 24th, 2013New Jersey’s “first suburbs” are becoming a leading indicator for the state’s increasing diversity, accompanied by all its opportunities and challenges. They are also often overlooked in favor of larger cities.
Somerset County Releases Study on Repurposing Under-Utilized Commercial Properties
Monday, July 22nd, 2013A new report from Somerset County that examines seven prototypical suburban commercial sites, with recommendations for redevelopment, could serve as a model for other counties.
Memo to Municipalities: Get Creative and Flexible if You Want Those Office Parks Redeveloped
Friday, July 19th, 2013Re-imagining suburban office parks will be key to New Jersey’s economic vitality in the future. Municipalities can play a key role in making that easier.
Groups Offer Early Lessons From Post-Sandy Recovery
Tuesday, July 9th, 2013Recommendations to President Obama’s Hurricane Sandy Task Force focused on long-term planning to reduce risk; on equitable access to rebuilding resources; and on transparency and public engagement in the process.
Addressing the Growing Issue of Obsolete Office Parks
Tuesday, July 2nd, 2013An upcoming conference focuses on how best to repurpose the growing number of obsolete suburban office parks in New Jersey.
New Jersey’s Water Infrastructure: The Biggest Risk Is Doing Nothing
Tuesday, June 25th, 2013Experts at a symposium detail how New Jersey’s water infrastructure is antiquated and disintegrating, and assert that continued inaction will only raise the cost of fixing it and lower the state’s economic competitiveness.
New Jersey Residents Want More Resiliency Post-Sandy, but at No Cost
Wednesday, June 12th, 2013A new survey shows that since Hurricane Sandy, New Jersey residents understand better the implications of climate change but don’t want to pay for necessary changes to improve their communities’ resiliency.
New Report Highlights Fiscal Benefits of Smart-Growth Development
Tuesday, May 21st, 2013A new report indicates that, regardless of the differences among municipalities, smart-growth-style development always provides a better return on public investment than traditional low-density development.
Concern Expressed Over Lack of Planning Funds in Sandy Recovery Action Plan
Thursday, April 4th, 2013Concerns over Gov. Christie’s Sandy Recovery Action Plan include insufficient funds for planning, too little assistance for low-income renters.