Liveblog of the first public hearing on the State Strategic Plan.
Author Archive
Liveblogging the State Strategic Plan Public Hearing
Thursday, February 9th, 2012Our Take on the State of the State Address
Tuesday, January 17th, 2012New Jersey Future’s reaction to Gov. Christie’s State of the State address.
Public Hearings on State Strategic Plan Begin in February
Monday, January 9th, 2012Six public hearings on the State Strategic Plan have been scheduled in February and early March at various locations around New Jersey.
Demand Grows for Smart-Growth Work Environments
Wednesday, January 4th, 2012A new survey shows that office workers in the Garden State want many of the amenities that smart-growth locations offer, including food, access to transit, and access to downtowns.
Byram Township Wins National Smart-Growth Grant
Friday, December 9th, 2011In addition to winning a New Jersey Future Smart Growth Award, Byram Township has also won a national technical-assistance grant for its planned Village Center.
Planning Association Conference Includes Sessions on Current Smart-Growth Issues
Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011Presentations and other documents from several sessions at the New Jersey chapter of the American Planning Association’s annual conference.
Menendez Focuses on TOD Funding in Updated Livable Communities Act
Thursday, September 29th, 2011Sen. Menendez introduces an updated Livable Communities Act, including funding to spark private investment in transit-oriented development.
What makes a great place to live?
Friday, August 19th, 2011CNNMoney’s list of great places to live is a good start, but how about some more smart-growth indicators included in the criteria they used?
How about an E-ZPass for transit?
Friday, August 12th, 2011Transit farecard inter-operability isn’t all it could be. But the technology exists, so why can’t a traveler use one farecard on every North American city’s transit system?
Accommodating Growth in Mercer County
Thursday, August 11th, 2011Development pressures in Mercer County are likely to increase in the next 25 years, exacerbating traffic and loss of open space. Redevelopment is one way to address this problem, by accommodating new growth in areas with existing development and infrastructure. However, redevelopment efforts can face strong public resistance. New Jersey Future convened several groups of thought leaders in Mercer County to examine some of the reasons for this resistance, and to highlight steps that can be taken in the future to minimize it.