Working for Smart Growth:
More Livable Places and Open Spaces


Mission and History


Founded in 1987, New Jersey Future is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that promotes sensible and equitable growth, redevelopment, and infrastructure investments to foster healthy, strong, resilient communities; protect natural lands and waterways; increase transportation choices beyond cars; provide access to safe, affordable, and aging-friendly neighborhoods; and fuel a strong economy for everyone. New Jersey Future does this through original research, innovative policy development, coalition-building, advocacy, and hands-on strategic assistance. Embracing differences and advancing fairness is central to New Jersey Future’s mission and operations. New Jersey Future is firmly committed to pursuing greater justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion through its programs, internal operations, and external communications.


New Jersey Future was founded in 1987 by senior corporate, civic, and environmental leaders to advance smarter land use and growth policies. Today, our nonprofit nonpartisan organization offers a strong voice on policies and practices for curbing sprawl, spurring community redevelopment, and making sustainable land use decisions affecting future generations. New Jersey Future members include community members, corporations, and foundations. Our work is directed by our Board of Trustees, which includes several of our founding members. Our staff is headed by Peter Kasabach. New Jersey Future is a member of Smart Growth America, a national coalition of state and regional smart growth organizations.


New Jersey Future has:

  • Served as chief advocate for the adoption and implementation of the State Development and Redevelopment Plan, New Jersey’s smart growth blueprint for revitalizing communities and protecting natural resources.
  • Advanced the adoption of new laws for protecting the environment and encouraging smarter growth, including the Highlands Water Protection Act and Transfer of Development Rights.
  • Created the Smart Growth Awards program to recognize annually the best in development and preservation efforts across the state.
  • Launched the nation’s first Sustainable State process, bringing together a wide range of citizens and experts to identify solutions to the most pressing environmental, economic, and social issues facing our state.
  • Taken legal action to stop sprawl and promote affordable housing. We have been granted “friend of the court” status in testifying on the intricacies of the State Plan.
  • Been a statewide leader on climate resilience following Superstorm Sandy, and guided New Jersey in requiring communities to incorporate climate risk into their master plans. 
  • Elevated water infrastructure as a critical element of creating healthy, prosperous, and fair communities, especially through the creation and facilitation of the Jersey Water Works collaborative.
  • Started seeking solutions for breaking down the barriers causing geographical segregation in New Jersey in order to become a more inclusive state. 
  • Accomplished much more than this. New Jersey Future’s work and milestones are featured in our annual highlights documents below: 

New Jersey Future Highlights 2024

New Jersey Future Highlights 2023

New Jersey Future Highlights 2022

New Jersey Future Highlights 2021

New Jersey Future Highlights 2020

New Jersey Future Highlights 2019

New Jersey Future Highlights 2018

New Jersey Future Highlights 2017

New Jersey Future Highlights 2016

New Jersey Future Highlights 2015

New Jersey Future Highlights 2014

New Jersey Future Highlights 2013

New Jersey Future Highlights 2012

New Jersey Future Highlights 2011

New Jersey Future Highlights 2010

New Jersey Future Highlights 2009






© New Jersey Future, 16 W. Lafayette St. • Trenton, NJ 08608 • Phone: 609-393-0008 • Fax: 609-360-8478

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