New Jersey Future Blog
New Jersey Future Receives Housing Award
May 7th, 2013 by New Jersey Future staff

From left to right: Central Jersey Housing Resource Center Board President John Mooney; New Jersey Future Executive Director Peter Kasabach; Central Jersey Housing Resource Center Executive Director Sharon Clark; and New Jersey Future Research Director Tim Evans.
On April 18 New Jersey Future was presented with the Central Jersey Housing Resource Center Outstanding Achievements in Affordable Housing Award, for “outstanding leadership in housing issues and land-use policies.” Each year, CJHRC selects outstanding elected officials — local, state, and federal — as well as public servants, volunteers, banks, developers, attorneys and housing experts for exemplary service to the affordable housing sector. This year, in addition to recognizing the organization’s long-time achievements, CJHRC singled out New Jersey Future Research Director Tim Evans for his work on the 2012 report Targeting Transit: Assessing Development Opportunities Around New Jersey’s Transit Stations, and the opportunities it highlighted to create much-needed affordable housing near transit. We’re honored to be so honored!