New Jersey Future Blog
Cluster Development Bill Advances
February 27th, 2013 by Chris Sturm

A development in Washington Township that took advantage of non-contiguous clustering.
Thanks to bi-partisan sponsors Green, Clifton, Van Drew and Oroho
Municipalities need better tools to put development where it makes the most sense – where it will enhance their communities and where services can be provided in an efficient manner. They also seek affordable ways to create parks and to preserve the open spaces, farmland and historic sites their residents treasure. Existing planning tools, like clustering, can help them reach their objectives at minimal cost to the taxpayer, but these tools need improvement.
New Jersey Future has worked with many partners to craft the cluster development bill, which has been introduced as A3761 by Asms. Green (D-22) and Clifton (R-12) and Sens. Van Drew (D-1) and Oroho (R-24). The bill is permissive. It amends the Municipal Land Use Law to update authority for contiguous and non-contiguous clustering and lot-size averaging. New Jersey Future is delighted by the powerful and growing coalition around this effort, and has set up an informational web page about the bill where anyone interested may learn more, get updates and sign up to be a supporter.
The bill faces an important milestone next week when it will be heard in committee:
- Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee: March 4 at 11:00
- Assembly Housing and Local Government Committee: The bill may be included on the agenda for March 7.
New Jersey Future welcomes help in advancing the bill. Supporters are urged to thank the bill sponsors for their leadership and encourage committee members to support the bill. (See committee member emails below.) This document includes key points that can be incorporated into any correspondence.
Please contact Chris Sturm (csturmnjfuture
org) with any questions. Thank you for your continued interest in innovative density transfer tools and better land use outcomes.
Senate Community and Urban Affairs committee
Senator Van Drew (senvandrewnjleg
org) (sponsor)
Senator Rice (senricenjleg
Senator Connors (senconnorsnjleg
Senator Stack (senstacknjleg
Senator Thompson (senthompsonnjleg
Committee aides: Lisa Velasquez (lvelasqueznjleg
org) and Thea Sheridan (tsheridan
Prime sponsor: Sen. Oroho (senorohonjleg
Assembly Housing and Local Government committee
Assemblyman Green (asmgreennjleg
org) (sponsor)
Assemblywoman Jasey (aswjaseynjleg
Assemblyman Carroll (asmcarrollnjleg
Assemblyman Clifton (asmcliftonnjleg
org) (sponsor)
Assemblywoman Jimenez (aswjimeneznjleg
Assemblywoman Quijano (aswquijanonjleg
Committee aides: Owen Fletcher (ofletchernjleg
org) and Thea Sheridan (tsheridan