New Jersey Future Blog
Deadline Friday – Join Us!
May 12th, 2011 by New Jersey Future staff
More than 200 people are already committed to attending our 10th Smart Growth Awards on Thursday, June 9. As usual, we expect a great networking event with a room full of New Jersey’s leaders in smart growth.
We hope you and your colleagues will join us for the occasion, and a great way to participate is through sponsorship, which includes an ad in the printed and electronic program book as well as tickets to the event. For the first time, an electronic version of the program book will be distributed to more than 4,000 leaders in the state – developers, architects, planners, municipal officials, and more.
Already signed on as supporters are Tyco, New Jersey Natural Gas, Bayshore Recycling, Verizon and Maraziti, Falcon & Healey.
Celebrate 10 years of smart growth success by joining us, please email Dan Fatton (dfattonnjfuture
org) or call 609-393-0008 ext. 105, before the end of the day on Friday, May 13.
Seven projects and 17 honorees will receive Smart Growth Awards for initiatives ranging from a new village center in Byram Township (Sussex County) to a creative inter-municipal affordable housing project in Pilesgrove Township and Woodstown Borough (Salem County) to an innovative recycling complex in Woodbridge. (click here for a complete list of the winners and honorees).
As part of its 10th Anniversary Smart Growth Awards ceremony in June, New Jersey Future will also honor longtime smart growth advocate James G. Gilbert, Managing Director – Investments and Wealth Management Advisor at Merrill Lynch,with the Cary Edwards Leadership Award. As the first chair of the State Planning Commission, Mr. Gilbert was a driving force behind the initial adoption of the State Development and Redevelopment Plan in 1992 and a founding member of New Jersey Future’s board of trustees. He has worked to implement sound planning at the local level through his involvement as Past President and current member of New Jersey Planning Officials board as well as a member of the Highlands Coalition board and former chairman and member of the Englewood planning board.
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Tags: Events, New Jersey, Smart Growth, Smart Growth Awards